
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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Why anger, sadness, madness and fear?

Why anger, sadness, madness and fear?

Anger, sadness and madness are sillly. Because anger, sadness, and fear means that you have forgotten that God is everywhere around you and within you.

If we never forget Him, then anger, sadness, madness and fear will never come to us.

The most silly people in this world are the people who think they are not silly.


© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Reversed Thoughts

One of the things I learned from my near death experience was to reverse my thinking. All my life I believed in certain “truths” that were now reversed by my near death experience. My experience left me changed in my understanding of relationships with others. My thoughts are now known to be powerfully important, after once being of little consequence to me. Forgiving was a gift I gave to those who offended me, now it has become a gift I give to myself. The same with non-judging others.

I understand Love is unconditional, or it isn’t love, but before my experience I thought love came in different forms, and degrees, because my knowledge of love was deficient. So many things have I learned. I learned about reverberating emotions. How they go from myself to others where they can cause a reaction of the same emotion. Then these reactive emotions spread out like waves of water from a dropped pebble. Angry emotions from one person can infect an entire crowd with anger. Causing them to act in ways they would not think of individually. However, it only works with those in the crowd holding anger within themselves. There are always those who remain unaffected, who hold no anger within themselves.

Do you know what emotions you hold within yourself? Are you angry with someone or something, can’t get it out of your mind. Give yourself a gift and forgive, both yourself and the object of your anger. Anger, like acid, eats away at you all the time you hold it within yourself. Let it go with forgiveness and feel better. Get on with your life.

Learn to hold love within yourself, and turn anger aside with a soft voice filled with love and caring. Practice being kind, caring, and compassionate. You will personally feel better for it. You will find peace, and joy in holding love within yourself to share with others.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Think of Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth.

Walking the path of unconditional Love.

Why? To become more like the Father, our Creator, to share His love and light with others, which in itself is the greatest reward we can ever receive. God is unconditional love. We walk the spiritual path to learn how to love unconditionally as He does. It is not an easy path, many times we must decide for love against our feelings of anger, jealousy, or self-righteousness. But the more we do choose love, the easier it will become. Our task is to forgive, return good for evil, and to go the second mile. Every small task of kindness we give is noticed by the One who cares the most. Learn to love more today.

“Lasting enlightenment or true spiritual growth can be achieved
only through persistent exercise of real love.”

M. Scott Peck

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.



Forgiveness is for the forgiver and not the forgivee. Many times have I heard people say: “I will never forgive him/her for what they did to me.” Holding back forgiveness is to hold the anger, hate and guilt of the past event. You can not afford the pain of withholding forgiveness. In the spirit world, strong emotions tie people together. Strong love will keep two persons together and enjoying similiar experiences forever. They may come back into the physical together many times. Strong hate will do the same thing. It will tie you to the hated person until the hate is resolved.Forgiveness cleans the slate of negative emotions and allows a new start. If you forgive someone and they say: “I don’t accept your forgiveness.” Then know that, if you have been sincere, you have done all you can. Shake the dust off your feet and walk on.

God has no need to forgive, since He never condemns or judges. But God can help you to learn to forgive. Pray for the knowledge of how to forgive everyone and everything that bothers you, He will answer your prayer.

God does not punish anyone for anything. But man, in fear and ignorance, believes strongly in punishment. And because man believes in punishment so intensely, man brings punishment to himself.

In my NDE, I learned from God that: “Man punishes himself, and not only does he punish himself, but he chooses the form that punishment will take.” Now, is punishment necessary: of course not. If man chose Love in everything he did, punishment would disappear.

Every day use the affirmation above: “I forgive you world, for all the wrongs, that I believe you have done to me.” Then forgive individually each and every person you may be having problems with. Release the past daily and walk into the future in freedom.

© 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


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