Hometown Suicides

I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and what I saw in today’s paper saddened me. The suicide rates are up 12% percent from just five years ago. There were 119 people that killed themselves in my hometown last year, and 578 committed suicide in my state in the same period. Suicide rates are twice the rate of homicides in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma is just a small state. In 2005 nationwide there were 32,637 suicides. Most of these deaths were young men. Most of the young man were plagued with depression.

What is going on, why are the suicide rates increasing? The paper called it the “Hidden Epidemic.” The suicide rate has tripled nationally in the last 30 years.

I doubt there is just one reason for it. I can see the pressure being put on young people in school to achieve far beyond what I experienced. Why? Why is all this necessary, people are individuals, they learn at different rates, humans just don’t fit into the “one schedule, one method for everyone” routine offered in most schools and businesses.

Churches are losing attendance, holding onto ancient doctrines that no longer work with the better educated young people. Science has become materialistic, or naturalistic, teaching spiritual things are nonsense, and mythology according to many scientists.

Where will the young turn to find meaning and purpose for their lives. How will they cope with the vicissitudes of today’s modern life styles. It is time to start addressing some of these problems in earnest.

I know some of them are finding meaning and purpose in near death experiences. A spirituality without religion. Millions of people have had near death experiences and have been changed for the better. Just reading near death experiences have helped many more. There is meaning and purpose to life, we are eternal beings and will live after the death of our bodies, these things we have learned from NDEs, and the research on them.

There is hope for the future for everyone.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

More Dannion Brinkley


Dannion Brinkley is a near death experiencer that has written books, had a movie made about his life, and been on many television and radio shows. This video shows how it all started and if you want to hear more of what he has to say go here.

© 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


“Death” is the most searched word on this blog. A lot of people are very interested in death. Maybe very afraid of death, or at least the uncertainty of it.

Near death experiences show us death doesn’t exist. We don’t die, we go on living in spirit/energy form. We are eternal.

The knowledge of living after death can actually cause us more fear and uncertainty about what happens after death. So the main question is: “What happens after death.”

What happens after death is directly connected to our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. This is true in the physical also. We create our own reality in the physical as well as the spiritual.

The spiritual world is much like the physical world, yet different. There are libraries, museums, schools, houses, and great buildings made of crystal. There are parks, lakes, forests, and meadows of flowers. Some activities include painting, music, learning, teaching, creating, and building among many others. There are levels based on spiritual growth. Those with little or no spiritual growth inhabit the lower levels, while those with great spiritual growth are on the upper levels.

You achieve growth by learning to love. Love increases your consciousness which will increase your power of creation. Love is the building force of all things. The more you love the more powerful you become. This is true in both the spiritual and physical. Consider the most powerful men in history and note their great love for others. Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, and others moved billions of people to love.

There is no need of the judicial in the spirit world. No policemen, lawyers, politicians, judges, or such. Order is kept by the rule of “whatever you do to others will be returned to you.” Unlike the physical, everyone in the spiritual world understands the truth of this precept.

Since there are no physical bodies, there are no sexes, marriage, or babies. Creation of “spiritual babies” or “sparks” is done on the highest level of the spiritual world with much thought and great care.

In the physical world you have many judges in parents, teachers, peers, the law, and government. The only judgments in the spiritual world are you judging yourself. However this will be a true judgment with no facade, no rationalizations, or justifications. This not punishment, it is for teaching, so you can see your mistakes and correct them. The goal being to love one another.

You can never be anyone but yourself, you can not escape your problems and troubles by suicide or hurting yourself. Only you can solve your problems, and learn to love yourself with or without the help of others.

And what is it like beyond this world?
It is very different.
It is much the same
for you take yourself with you.

Those who find the thought
of traveling through eternity with themselves
have important work to do.
It is the work of self-love.

You are your best companion
and you accompany yourself always.

That is the only structure I can give you
for the entire universe
is predicated on love
creating itself.


What about Heaven and Hell, constructs of thought spawned by the dualism of the physical world. The places do exist, but not as places of eternal punishment or eternal worshiping of God.

Believe it or not, there are some people who feel they are so bad they must go to Hell, and so they shall, but not for an eternity. Hell comes equipped with teachers who work with those so down on themselves they feel they belong in Hell. In time those who go there will be taught how to love themselves, which will remove them from hell. There is no eternal torment, fire, or punishment anywhere in the spiritual world.

Those who wish to go to heaven may do so. They find all that they expected to find. Streets of gold, grand churches beyond beautiful. They worship until they become bored then leave. There is no requirement to worship. God is our father not our Ruler. He is our example of a loving, caring, compassionate Being, the whole of it all. We strive to be like Him.

When one enters the spirit world through a near death experience He enters the light and immediately feels loved, cared for, and accepted. That is the real nature of God.

There is no downside to the spirit world, but there are rules and measurements. The rule is whatever you do to others you will receive back. No exceptions. The measurement is love and you are the measurer. You are the one responsible for your spiritual growth, and the one who judges it.

The greater your spiritual growth the more powerful, and bright, you become. You create with your thoughts, both here and there, so be careful what you ask for and mindful of your thoughts.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Think of Hope


Expectation of fulfillment or success.

St. Jude Tadeo is considered the patron saint of hopeless causes. Many pray to him for comfort and help. But there is no such thing as hopelessness. We may believe in hopelessness because our vision is blurred, our knowledge limited, and our faith weak.

We forget we are eternal children of the Father, and will live on after the death of our bodies. All those opportunities we thought we missed, the tests we failed, all the things we didn’t do will still be waiting for us to try again.

Friends and loved ones we thought were gone forever will reappear in the eternal moment of life after death. Our Father loves us more than we can ever know here on earth; He holds us safe and secure at all times; He never harms us in anyway. Don’t dispair, the mistake you made, the loved one you lost is only temporary. Hope is eternal, because we are eternal.

“Desire and hope will push us on toward the future.”

Michel de Montaigne
French writer and philosopher 1533-1592

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