What I Am

Affirmations by Britney

I am lovable and acceptable.

I fully accept and believe in myself just the way I am.

I accept all the different parts of myself.

I’m already worthy as a person. I don’t have to prove myself.

It’s OK to think about what I need.

It’s good for me to take time for myself.

I have many good qualities.

I believe in my capabilities and value the unique talents I can offer the world.

I trust in my ability to succeed in my goals.

I am a valuable and important person, worthy of the respect of others.

Others perceive me as a good and likable person.

When other people get to know me, they really like me.

Other people like to be around me. They like to hear what I have to say and know what I think.

Others recognize that I have a lot to offer.

I deserve to be supported by those people who care about me.

I deserve the respect of others.

I now receive assistance and cooperation from others.

I’m optimistic about life. I look forward to and enjoy new challenges.

I know what my values are and am confident of the decisions I make.

I easily accept compliments and praise from others.

I take pride in what I’ve accomplished and look forward to what I intend to achieve.

I believe in my ability to succeed.

I love myself just the way I am.

I don’t have to be perfect to be loved.

The more I love myself, the more I am able to love others.


© 2020 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Do You Love Yourself?

Here Are 20 Signs That Say You Love Yourself

1. You practice gratitude.
You appreciate certain things in your life and you genuinely say, ‘Thank you’ for them. You don’t feel you are owed these things, instead you feel blessed you can experience them.

2. You have a self-healing practice.
You either meditate, pray, do yoga, or write a journal to name a few. These practices help you stay sane, balanced, and healthy.

3. You let yourself ‘feel the feelings.’
Good or bad feelings, you allow yourself to experience them. You acknowledge that all of your feelings are valid. This doesn’t mean you dwell – especially when feeling angry or sad – but you understand it’s healthy to feel every emotion.

4. You choose healthy foods for yourself.
You care about your well-being to feed yourself appropriately — not too much and not too little. You try to buy organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised, and consciously farmed foods, but you’re practical enough to eat at a restaurant without too much ado. You also indulge once in a while because sometimes it’s worth it.

5. You move to feel good.
Many things qualify as ‘exercise’ for you. It’s about staying healthy, feeling energized, and keeping a balanced lifestyle.  Your health is important to you because you see your body as a temple where your soul resides. Plainly, you want to be good to your body.

6. You try to improve yourself.
“We do the best we can with what we know, and when we know better, we do better.” – Maya Angelou

You are no stranger to self-help and motivational books because self-improvement is important to you. It’s not about focusing on what you’re lacking, it’s about strengthening who you are already.

7. You give yourself ‘me’ time.
You’ve come to realize that alone time for you is essential. This is the time when you collect your thoughts, slow down, and give yourself a break. You love being on the go, but you know that you can only go so far without burning out. ‘Me’ time is when you recharge.

8. You have beauty rituals.
You pamper yourself because it feels good. You take care of your skin, hair, nails, and get massages when you can. These rituals are rewarding and make you feel beautiful. You believe you deserve to feel beautiful.

9. You dress to impress yourself.
Your appearance is important to you. You want to express your feelings and state of mind with your personal style. At work, you want to be seen as professional. When you’re out, you want to be care-free. At home, you just want to be cozy and comfortable.

What’s great is that you can dress in all these ways and still be you. You have many sides and it calls for a change in wardrobe! (Own your style mama!)

10. You let your goddess out.
Discovering the goddess within you is empowering. As a goddess is powerful, you ‘owning’ your goddess persona is you claiming your power. Your goddess powers help you to do right by you. It helps you to hold yourself in high-regard and realize how you want to be treated – and that is with love and respect.

11. You stand up for yourself.
You believe you deserve to be treated well. You don’t tolerate disrespect or meanness from others. Speaking your mind and heart is a show of strength.

12. You have positive affirmations.
Staying healthy and balanced in mind, body, and spirit takes an effort. In this way, you have several life ‘mottoes’ that keep you grounded, happy, motivated, and moving forward. A good affirmation can pick you up and turn your day around.

13. You value your relationships.
You work on them by keeping in touch, doing kind things, and respecting their feelings. The quality and contentment of your relationships are a reflection of your state of mind and belief systems. Practicing self-love and self-care promotes healthy relationships in all areas of your life.

14. You permit yourself to shine.
This can mean several things such as being awesome in the work place to unleashing your creative juices. Whatever it calls for – you let yourself be amazing.

Marianne Williamson in her book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of ‘A Course in Miracles’ – said: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

15. You praise others for shining.
Because you healthily love yourself, you can easily praise and support another person’s good fortune and talent. When more people shine, the world becomes a brighter place. (Be the light sister!)

16. You listen to your intuition.
You trust your gut instinct and listen to it readily. In this way you’ve learned what works for you and what doesn’t. You utilize this sensory power to keep you safe, informed, and in harmony with your surroundings.

17. You expect good things to happen to you.
This idea is not about entitlement, it’s about knowing you are fully loved and supported by the universe and so you are eager to receive your blessings. You constantly put love and goodness out into the world, therefore you believe love and goodness are on its way to you. (It’s physics – yo!)

18. You go after your dreams.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

Your dreams are what motivate you to be a better person, contribute to society, and excel in life. Loving and trusting yourself has given you the confidence to pursue your life purpose.

19. You smile at your reflection.
You like the person you’ve become. All your experiences – hard and sweet – have molded you into the woman staring back at you. Growing to love yourself has taken some time and finally accepting all your imperfections – priceless.

20. You are humble.
Humility is part of having healthy self-love. Self-love is about compassion for oneself; to understand and forgive ones frailty. Your healthy self-love says that you are willing to see past your shortcomings and are hopeful to witness your potential.


© 2020 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Changing Thoughts

People like to control their own destiny. They need the mental and physical freedom to become the kind of person they admire. They want a successful career, a loving family, enough money to be comfortable, and that is possible through the proper understanding of thoughts.

Thoughts are self-fulfilling, they will bring you what you most think about whether it’s good for you, or not, depending on the intensity. That is why understanding thoughts is so important.

Thoughts themselves are neither true nor false. We make them so by the value we place upon them. The thought “I am too fat,” is harmless unless taken to the extreme dieting of anorexia. Karen Carpenter was 35 pounds underweight when she died of anorexic complications. I loved her beautiful singing very much, and was greatly saddened.

Some entertainers have taken their own life at the peak of their career. What were they thinking? Was the pressure of success overwhelming? Did they feel trapped or hopeless? What thoughts cause young people to take their own lives? We need to find answers quickly and help them overcome the intimidation of their own thoughts.

Below are a group of thoughts that are ninety-nine percent counterproductive the second they enter the mind. Only those who entertain them are not aware of that fact. This is all of the noxious thoughts I could think of at the time, I am sure there are hundreds more.

: “No matter how much I do, it is never enough” : “”Nobody loves/cares about me” : “I can’t do anything right” : “I do it all, nobody helps” : “I gave up everything for you” : “My life is hopeless, there is nothing left for me” : “I am all alone” “I am helpless” : “I can’t take any more” : “All you do is belittle/criticize me” : “I can’t do that, I can’t do this” : “No, no, I don’t want to try that” : “I wish I was dead” : “I hate you” : “I hate my job/house/(whatever)” : “I feel guilty about (anything/everything)” : “I’m sorry (many times a day)” : “I am too fat/skinny/dumb/(any negative word)” : “I can smoke/drink/do drugs, nothing bad will ever happen to me” :

Negative thinking produces negative results. The more you think about a negative outcome, the more likely it is to happen. It is important to think about yourself, and  your life in a positive way, even if it seems unreal to you at the time. The more a thought is repeated the more real it will appear. Finally, thoughts become beliefs whether they are true or not. Then they become habits that are really difficult to change from negative to positive. Examine your thoughts carefully, keeping only those that are positive.

The best way to change unwanted thoughts and habits is to replace them with wanted thoughts and habits through the use of affirmations. When I was a teenager I smoked cigarettes. I knew the dangers of smoking, but did it anyway. When I needed to quit. I made up some affirmations and started to practice them twice a day, once In the morning, and before going to bed. It was between two and three weeks that I started to lose my desire to smoke. One morning I vowed this would be the last day I smoked a cigarette. Well it wasn’t. But I kept on with the affirmations until one day it was the last day. Below are the affirmations I used. It is easy to make up your own.

: “I don’t like smoking cigarettes“ : I don’t smoke anymore” : “I quit smoking” : “I’m through with smoking” : “I have no desire for a smoke” : “I am finished with smoking” :

If you have trouble writing your affirmations, send me the details, and I will help. There are general affirmations and spoken affirmations that are very good for anyone to use anytime.

Now remember how long it took you to develop a habit, for it will take a while to change those negative thoughts into positive ones. Don’t give up, try to say the affirmations on a regular basis and then go on with your life. Don’t try to judge whether they are working.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.



“Death is many things, but never the end.”

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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