
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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The Red Planet

What if you were born on a Red Planet. Everything on the planet was red in color including yourself. What would you know about the color red? Absolutely nothing! You would not even know it was a color, having nothing else for comparison.

We are created in a spirit world as a spirit, or rather a spark, because of our small size and knowledge. From this “spark” we will eventually, over time, grow in spiritual knowledge to become co-creators of many diverse possibilities.

Now the spirit world is unconditional love, we are created in that love. While this is very beneficial it is also very limiting. Like the Red Planet and the color red, we don’t know what unconditional love is with nothing for comparison. This puts limits on our natural curiosity to discover diverse possibilities.

So physical life on Planet Earth was created as an accelerated classroom for spiritual growth. Here we are presented with the challenges of choosing “Love” or “Not Love.” This seems simple enough, but we must forget who we are, and where we come from, before we arrive which makes the physical seem very real.

Physical life is actually a grand illusion. We play a part through our free will, and play the part of our own choosing. We are continually presented with problems, tragedies, even catastrophic losses which contain elements of “Love” and “Not Love.” Eventually we learn to choose “Love” in even the most horrible of circumstances.

Once you have chosen to enter physical life, you must complete it. That can take a few lifetimes or many lifetimes. Some religions call it being on “The Wheel of Life.” The only way off is to complete the class by choosing love.

The physical is not mandatory, you can pass if you wish. Only the most courageous, inquiring of spirits come into physical life. That you are here shows you are not a quitter. But if you keep choosing to “Not Love” you will fall deeper and deeper into the “hole” you dug until it becomes unbearable.

The ending of physical life is always the same. Everyone eventually chooses “Love.” Some spirits journey through physical life becomes long and painful, while others are short and hardly a trouble. It all depends on when you choose “Love.” A few spirits may believe their life will always be hopeless which is only a thought that can be changed at anytime. It is of great advantage to choose “Love” as quickly as possible.

Now there are many different ways to choose “Love” over “Not Love.” The path I recommend takes little time and is easy to follow. You choose by saying to yourself: “I choose Love.” Say it again and it becomes an Affirmation. Say it several times a day. Then say: “I will Love” along with “I choose Love.” Then add more affirmations to your list and say them twice a day. Once in the morning, and just before going to bed. Try to say them slowly with meaning so they soak into the mind. The whole process takes less than 10 minutes to do, and is certainly worth doing. The list I used can be found here. It is OK to modify the list to better suit your needs, or even write your own from scratch. But make sure they are positive thoughts. Like “I am worthy of happiness.” “I am worthy of success.”

This is not a quick cure, expect to use affirmations every day for a long time. I still use them occasionally, when I have a bad day. They work by replacing negative thoughts you have used over time, but only if they are said, with meaning, twice a day, every day. You may not notice a difference for a few weeks. It took three weeks for me. But you will begin to feel better in time. Do not stop just keep going.

You are spirit. You are eternal. You are created in love and will remain in the Creators love forever. The judgments you receive will come only from yourself. The punishments you receive will come only from yourself. You are your best friend or your worse enemy, the decision is yours alone. Only you can change your thoughts, no one else can do this for you.

Wishing you the very best of all things. Love.

© 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Reality and Reincarnation

When I was going through the beginnings of my spiritual journey I wanted to know about how reincarnation worked. This is what I learned. It is real. It is a choice, you can choose to come into the physical or not, but once you made that choice you have to finish no matter how many times you reincarnate.

The physical is a kind of accelerated school of spiritual growth. Here we are presented with the challenges of choosing Love or Not Love. That seems simple, but we have forgotten who we are/were before we came which makes the physical seem very real.

The physical is really a grand illusion. We all play a part and through our free will, will play the part of our own choice. We are continually presented with problems, tragedies, even catastrophic losses which contain elements of Love and Not Love. Slowly we learn to choose Love in even the most horrible of circumstances. The “you reap whatsoever you sow” principle is also real. If you keep choosing to Not Love you will fall deeper and deeper into the “hole” you dug until it becomes unbearable.

If you commit suicide, yes you will be sent back to finish your studies. I have a NDE that shows what can happen in suicide. In the end everyone learns to choose love and finishes. There is no hell, no judgments, no punishments for mistakes.

I will not say I know exactly how it all works because I don’t. I was told this is my 59th reincarnation. I was shocked to be such a slow learner. My greatest gift was a heart attack at 49. I experienced myself separated from my body. I got it!. From that moment on it became better and better. I used affirmations, and self-help books. I hope this post will help others. Like all spiritual questions there are many answers. Love and God Bless .

© 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.



  • To laugh is to risk playing the fool.
  • To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
  • To reach out to another is to risk involvement.
  • To expose your feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
  • To place your dreams and ideals before the crowd is to risk embarrassment.
  • To love is to risk not being loved in return.
  • To live is to risk dying.
  • To hope is to risk despair.
  • To try is to risk failure.

But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing at all. The person who risks nothing may avoid sorrow, but he cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love or live. Chained by their fear and certitudes, they are slaves. They have forfeited their freedom.Only the person who risks is free. — Author Unknown

© 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.



Those who are depressed, anxious, and generally unhappy with their lives look to others for help. What they find are other unhappy people who feel about life similar to themselves. This makes unhappiness seem normal. Truth is there are a lot of individuals who don’t like themselves. Don’t like the anxiety, depression, guilt, and pain life is handing them on a daily basis.

They may have tried the advice of others, prescription drugs, and/or professional counseling. But the pain keeps coming back. Some accept their unhappiness as inevitable. They may dislike themselves even more for losing all hope of a happy, successful life. Their lives seems to be spiraling downward out of control.

Enter “INTENT” wearing a cape crusaders suit, muscles bulging, confidence radiating, wise beyond words, your powerful protector against the vicissitudes of life has arrived. What seemed hopeless is now probable.

Definition of intent
1.having the mind, attention, or will,
concentrated on something or some end
or purpose: intent on the work.
2.a usually clearly formulated or planned intention: aim
3.purpose especially the design or purpose to act
4.the state of mind with which an act is done: volition
5.directed with strained or eager attention: concentrated

What is your intent?

Are you ready to accept less than a happy, successful existence? None should be willing to accept the role of victim. Going through life feeling you are bullied, abused, unworthy, and hopeless to do anything about it. Change becomes probable when you start using “intent” to stop being a victim, and start being a survivor.

Physical life will always be rife with conflicts, irritants, illnesses, and some devastating loses. We live in a two-faced world where “Love” duels with “Not Love” for our attention. Which do you trust/believe in: Love or Not Love?

Choose Not Love you get:
Fear, Anger, Hate, Jealousy, Hopelessness,
and other negative emotions.

Choose Love you get:
Compassion, Caring, Kindness, Empathy,
and other positive emotions.

Time to choose is now, how to choose is simple.

You choose by saying with intent to yourself: “I choose Love.” Say it again with intent and it becomes an Affirmation. Say it with intent several times a day. Then say with intent: “I will Love” along with “I choose Love.” Use the powerful emotion of “intent” to say a list of Affirmations twice a day. In the morning and just before bed. The list I used can found here. But it is OK to modify the list to better suit your needs, or even write your own from scratch.

I noticed an improvement in the third week. It strengthened my intent for doing them. I did Affirmations for one full year, no more migraine headaches, panic attacks, anxious worry, and pain. I also read self-help books and spiritual material. I put together the resources that helped me the most in a resource file for those who wish to know.

The affirmation method is widely used and widely successful. If you decide to take the journey, I wish you the best of everything. Godspeed. Love.

© 2020, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
