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Treat her always with real respect, No more reviewing her less than, Never touch without an invite, Those who work need to be secure © 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved. People like to control their own destiny. They need the mental and physical freedom to become the kind of person they admire. They want a successful career, a loving family, enough money to be comfortable, and that is possible through the proper understanding of thoughts. Thoughts are self-fulfilling, they will bring you what you most think about whether it’s good for you, or not, depending on the intensity. That is why understanding thoughts is so important. Thoughts themselves are neither true nor false. We make them so by the value we place upon them. The thought “I am too fat,” is harmless unless taken to the extreme dieting of anorexia. Karen Carpenter was 35 pounds underweight when she died of anorexic complications. I loved her beautiful singing very much, and was greatly saddened. Some entertainers have taken their own life at the peak of their career. What were they thinking? Was the pressure of success overwhelming? Did they feel trapped or hopeless? What thoughts cause young people to take their own lives? We need to find answers quickly and help them overcome the intimidation of their own thoughts. Below are a group of thoughts that are ninety-nine percent counterproductive the second they enter the mind. Only those who entertain them are not aware of that fact. This is all of the noxious thoughts I could think of at the time, I am sure there are hundreds more.
Negative thinking produces negative results. The more you think about a negative outcome, the more likely it is to happen. It is important to think about yourself, and your life in a positive way, even if it seems unreal to you at the time. The more a thought is repeated the more real it will appear. Finally, thoughts become beliefs whether they are true or not. Then they become habits that are really difficult to change from negative to positive. Examine your thoughts carefully, keeping only those that are positive. The best way to change unwanted thoughts and habits is to replace them with wanted thoughts and habits through the use of affirmations. When I was a teenager I smoked cigarettes. I knew the dangers of smoking, but did it anyway. When I needed to quit. I made up some affirmations and started to practice them twice a day, once In the morning, and before going to bed. It was between two and three weeks that I started to lose my desire to smoke. One morning I vowed this would be the last day I smoked a cigarette. Well it wasn’t. But I kept on with the affirmations until one day it was the last day. Below are the affirmations I used. It is easy to make up your own.
If you have trouble writing your affirmations, send me the details, and I will help. There are general affirmations and spoken affirmations that are very good for anyone to use anytime. Now remember how long it took you to develop a habit, for it will take a while to change those negative thoughts into positive ones. Don’t give up, try to say the affirmations on a regular basis and then go on with your life. Don’t try to judge whether they are working. © 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved. A few people verbalize thought, © 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved. |
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