Another success story. Turning a disability into a superability.
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httpvhd:// Another success story. Turning a disability into a superability. © 2010 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved. Hi Leroy.. FORGIVE…. Forgive, some know not what they do Forgive, some know exactly what they do But either way perhaps we might just see That they are in desperate need for kind reprieve If God can offer such a supreme sacrifice of love Can we not offer too the peace of a dove If we cannot but turn the other cheek Or be the first to give others the final speak Especially when they are aching to fight Can we not be the one to show them our Light Perhaps theirs have been beatened, its flicker now quite dim From so many hurts or tears of pain inflicted from anothers whim Can we not be the one to stretch out first our hand Take a purposeful step of peace towards where they stand Or give them a more compassionate understanding From our hearts eyes that sees beyond their gang branding For in each instant we avert a hatred with our love We may be just what their soul was aching for sent from above And isnt true that what we see in our brothers Is perhaps our own reflection as we are really One with all Others So let us strive to Forgive… Some may know or not what they do But you have a choice in what you choose too. Thanks for reading. Am so Grateful for You and the Love that you are and share, always. Hugs, gisl © 2010 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved. The typical near death experience starts with going out of body. If this happens in an emergency room on the operating table the patient experiences himself above his body floating near the ceiling of the room. If he is in a car wreck he will be floating above the wreck observing all the activity going on below. The location doesn’t matter. While out-of-body the experiencer will be able to observe all the activity below and around him. This is usually a great surprise to the experiencer and he tries to contact people around him, but soon finds they can neither see nor hear him. It is at this point the experiencer realizes he is dead. Dead yet fully alive with all the faculties of his consciousness intact. This is no dream, illusion, or hallucination, we know that it is real due to the years of research done, and still being done, on near death experiences. While science can’t measure the out-of-body sequence because it is a personal experience, they can measure the accuracy of the observations of an experiencer while he is out of body. This has been done hundreds of time. These experiences are called veridical near death experiences. They are experiences that have been verified by attending surgeons and staff. In a veridical near death experience, the patient dies on the operating table, and goes out of body. While out of body the patient observes the doctors frantically working on his now dead body in an attempt to bring it back to life. While this is going on the out-of-body patient observes the doctor’s and staff’s behaviour, and hears every word the doctor and staff say. He may even notice unusual things like someone knocking over a stool or dropping an instrument. When he is brought back to life, he re-enters his body, opens his eyes, and tells the doctor what just happened to him, and describes what he saw while out of body. The doctors and staff verify as accurate his description of what happened while he was clinically dead. This accuracy verification is what makes the experience a veridical near death experience. These veridical NDEs were responsible for starting the research into near death experiences. More than one surgeon gave up his surgical career to devote full time to researching near death experiences. Now after over 30 years of research at dozens of universities with hundreds of doctors participating, the evidence clearly shows that our consciousness will survive the death of our bodies. We are spiritual people inhabiting a physical body, and that we do not die. I will show some links below to much of this research for those interested in reading more about this subject.
© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved. My near death experiences that just occurred on December 4, 1998, involved three different instances, where my heart was “flat-lined,” and where the 911 Med-Techs where trying to decide if they should take me to the hospital or just directly to a mortuary. All of these experiences gave me a deeper understanding of what “love” really is. Specificially, I found it to be a very tangible, touchable thing, not just a feeling. I still have this understanding with me, as if love is a thickness in the air, or a cloud that fills space in rooms, and around people, as well as animals. At the hospital, I was out of my body while the doctors and nurses tried to revive me. As I watched all of this, there was dimension and texture to where I was, and what was going on. By the way, the room was literally filled wall-to-wall with people in white. Some that I knew, some that I had a faint recollection of, as in a pre-mortal existance. I’m regaining my strength now, I’m really drained, but am home with my wife Susan, who called the paramedics. As far as religious affiliations, I’m a member of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints (LDS). The reason I mention this, is the fact that these experiences have increased my compassion and understanding that God loves ALL of his children equally, not just those of my faith. He may not like some of our actions, but his love is unconditional. How thankful I am to be alive, for myself, my family. In fact my daughter, who is 10, had a very detailed dream about my experience, even before she knew I was ill. Best of everything. Sincerely, M. B. © 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved. |
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