Happy New Year to everyone. I wish happiness and success to everyone in the coming year. I don’t do New Year resolutions because I usually break them the first week in the year. I do have goals I try to achieve on an on-going basis. Things like “don’t jump to conclusions,” “read the instuctions first,” “finish the job,” “learn to love the seemingly unloveable,” “become more knowledgable about life,” “encourage others,” and “don’t judge others.” These are a hefty lot of goals in themselves.
But most of all just be yourself. Find out who you really are, and you will have all the self-confidence you need to fulfill your goals. Look within for the real spiritual self. The real you is, powerful, confident, honest, full of love and compassion for others. That is who you are, a beautiful spiritual creation, eternal, caring, and free to choose what you will in the coming year. Your future is your creation. Choose thoughtfully, live thoughtfully, and be at peace with yourself and the world this year and forever.
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Eleven inches of snow in Oklahoma City, unheard of in these parts of the country. The wind blown snow reached almost two feet in parts of my yard, and covered my porches front and back. Here I sit for four days now waiting for a melt. But the temperature barely reaches 33 degrees in the daytime. So it looks like I will have to try to dig out on Sunday, people need to go to work on Monday. I love to look at the snow but don’t like trying to drive in it. There were over 200 ambulance calls due to people falling in the snow yesterday. A main reason I am reluctant to go out. But it won’t last forever, nothing does. So I will attempt to dig out a little, if it is not working well, I will wait for a melt.
© 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
Last night I couldn’t sleep and tried to meditate and pray while laying in bed in various modes of rest and sleep. Who can be in this world and think there is nothing else and be happy? Seems to me the connection to God and Love is essential to living a happy life.
Everything we touch, see and hear in this world ends. It’s such a dark thought that the random accident of evolved biology we call our brain “figured out” a way to be self aware and that there really is no “self,” only random atoms that got together in an intelligent way without any intelligent guidance for some reason to play a cruel trick on us, and to give us the ability to think we are a “self.” Further, that we are playing a cruel trick on ourselves creating a belief in a “self” when all along we are nothing. Only a mass of atomic energy swirling around that somehow taught itself to delude itself into thinking it was something more than the body when proclaiming a “self.” All misery comes from thinking we are alone, and destined to die and cease existence. Worse yet, that we will suffer IF there is another realm, and worse yet, suffer for eternity if there is an eternity. So the Course in Miracles teaches us that all suffering comes from the guilt of separation. I find this to be true, why should I feel guilty about anything if I know I am part of the living God, but the original “sin” or thought keeps rattling around and causing pain. In any case now I have no trust that I am connected to my Source when I am fearing for my job because I see no positive things happening, and reason that there just might not be a God working on my behalf. Just as bad is the thought that God exists but is unaware or uncaring of my plight. So I feel guilt because the consequence of my separation thoughts has caused my unbelief and fear, depression, you name it.
I feel very fortunate to have been raised at a time when there was great reverence for the divinity of God. In the times that I remember feeling a connection in Mass, or elsewhere, I never felt anything but a great Love awaiting me.
What am a telling you this for? I know I have a different understanding of God now. Guess I’m just looking over my old beliefs and experiences to try and see bright spots of connections and understanding that I have experienced.
Well, I’ve wandered in my writing, really only reminiscing now.
Bill G.
© 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Do you feel different than others, believe you stand out in a crowd. Nothing wrong with that because you are a unique individual. Everyone has a place here in the physical. Even though we are different in some ways we all belong to the same race. The race of mankind. We all have the same chance to choose what our lives will be, and what we will become. We are all part of the whole of creation, all worthy of happiness and success. Embrace the differences in others. Walk mentally in their shoes and understand their situations. Learn to love others, all others. You will be a better person for it.
© 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.