Do we know what consciousness is? According to the dictionary, consciousness is awareness, ego, feel, self-awareness, sentience. Still more words we use to denote consciousness are mind, spirit, soul, and “me.” We are our consciousness, without consciousness we don’t exist. Now what is this thing called consciousness. “We have found the consciousness and it is us,” to paraphrase an old ’60’s axiom.
No one has even seen a consciousness, nor measured it, nor determined its weight. It is beyond all our scientific instruments. Scientists probing the brain with electrodes don’t measure consciousness, they only measure the result of consciousness. No physical signs of consciousness have been found in the brain. No memory cells, no emotions, no thoughts, nothing physical one can call consciousness. Yet some scientists really believe we are the creation of our brains. They may continue to probe hundreds of years and still not find any physical evidence of “us.” Near death experience research has proven consciousness lives on after the death of the brain. How can one believe a body organ such as the brain can produce something (us) far greater than itself? Or as one scientist put it: “can a brain examine a brain”? Can a liver examine a liver or a heart examine a heart?
The brain is an interface between consciousness and the body, and when the body dies the consciousness lives on forever. Does the probes of the scientists determine whether the activity measured is coming from the brain, or going to the brain from the unseen consciousness. Interesting thing to know if that is possible.
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