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Quotes by Emmanuel


There are no guarantees.
From the viewpoint of fear, none are strong enough.
From the viewpoint of love, none are necessary.

Every moment of your life you are offered the opportunity
to choose — Love or fear,
to tread the earth, or to soar the heavens.


Your intuitive heart is the doorway that stands between the two worlds.
In your willingness to go against all reason, all defenses,
all habits, all patterns, all superstitions, and many teachings, to say,
“I will love,” you walk in the Light.
You honor the illusion but you will never become lost in it.


Your entire human experience is predicated on your viewpoint.
Your viewpoint is predicated on your
inner belief system and that is predicated on
how much you believe in fear
and how much you believe in love.


All quotations on this page are from Emmanuel’s Book II, The Choice for Love compiled by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton.


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