A Near Death Experience
When I was around 6 years old. I was spending a day at the river with my mother and aunt. I can remember my aunt and mother were tanning at the end of a pier. I came running down to them. I then slipped and fell into the river from the side of the pier.
I can remember panicking at first and then feeling a presence appear in front of me. It told me that everything was going to be fine without saying it. I did notice that the longer I concentrated on the white figure, it began to look more and more like a face. Dark eyes and a glowing face. I felt joy and comfort. I felt very close to this being.
I was then pulled out of the water by my uncle. My mother and aunt could not swim very well and they panicked. My uncle saved my life, but ever since the incident, I have been pretty quiet about it.
I never got a good response from telling the story. Actually I tried to tell my mother and aunt of it as soon as I got out of the water. I remember trying to describe the figure with my hands and fingers. I was trying to show them the shape of the figure.
I now know that dying will not be a lonely experience. I can not explain what I saw, but I do know that the being was communicating with me.
Thanks, W.
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
Supposedly, the larger the brain, the more intelligent the species, but is this really true? Albert Einstein’s brain was smaller than normal, yet he was a genius in his own right.
What would happen if your brain were only five percent as large as normal, well, in some cases nothing at all.
There are case studies involving victims of an ailment known as hydrocephalus, more commonly known as water on the brain. These studies were done by British neurologist John Lorber. The results of these studies contain some amazing facts.
This is a quote from KeelyNet concerning the work of John Lorber.
a colleague at Sheffield University became aware of a young man with a larger than normal head. He was referred to Lorber even though it had not caused him any difficulty. Although the boy had an IQ of 126 and had a first class honours degree in mathematics, he had “virtually no brain”. A noninvasive measurement of radio density known as CAT scan showed the boy’s skull was lined with a thin layer of brain cells to a millimeter in thickness. The rest of his skull was filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The young man continues a normal life with the exception of his knowledge that he has no brain.
The name of this writing is “Where is Consciousness? There is another paper about the same subject at Do You Really Need To Have A Brain?”
So the question persists: Where is Consciousness? If mankind could get by with a much smaller brain, then why don’t we have smaller brains. Could this tiny portion of a brain create a conscious personality as mainstream science now believes it can, I don’t think so. Consciousness is not in the brain, we, you and I, are our own consciousness’ and we are not created by the brain.
Science has never shown any physical evidence of memory stored in the brain. Think of the huge amount of memory we humans use every day in the normal course of work and play, could a tiny, tiny brain store such memory and still have space to create our personalities. The answer is no way.
Out of body experiences, and near death experiences indicate we are separate entities from our brain and body. Research and documented veridical near death experiences show good evidence that we will remain alive and well after the death of the body.
It may take a few years for mainstream science to catch up with the research, but reality will win out in the long run.
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

A Prophecy
“The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;”
Song of Solomon 2:12
I have never seen a white turtle before, it reminded me of the prophecies told about the end of the world. Why it did, I am not sure. I don’t usually put much faith in prophecies. However, there is something I have heard for years about world changes, and the world ending in the year 2012. I will tell you what I have heard about it.
On August 16th and 17th 1987, a grand conjunction called the Harmonic Convergence occurs that consists of a number of planets in Leo that trines Jupiter in Aries, and also trines Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius. This event initiates a spiritual humanity factor and mother Earth, which restores Mother Earth’s’ identity and spiritual nature as we converge harmonically in a major unification of souls with purpose on this planet.
This Harmonic Conversion presented an opportunity for spiritual people to turn the earth from the disastrous course of abuse humanity had wrought upon it. Had our planet not been turned great polar changes would have devastated earth, and destroyed two-thirds of the people on it.
So millions of spiritual people all around the globe prayed and meditated for two days of the Harmonic Conversion resulting in the planet being turned from the changes it was headed toward.
However, this caused the planet to enter an upgrade cycle from a level three planet to a level five planet. We are in this cycle now.
In the spirit world are levels of spiritual growth or achievement, there are ten levels, with one being the lowest, and ten the highest. Growth is determined by the amount of love you have for yourself and others. Love is a force that holds everything together. The greater you love, the brighter, and larger your conscious energy becomes.
As soon as the Harmonic Convergence was over, and the course of the planet turned, earth was closed to all but level five and above incarnates. So you may have heard of the Indigo Children entering our planet. These children are level five and above, bringing with them greater awareness, love and compassion. The energy frequencies, of the planet, were also increased thereby lowering the threshold between the spiritual and physical worlds allowing more spiritual events to take place. These events like near death experiences, out of body experiences, visions, miracles, and other spiritual events are now becoming more common.
There is a separation taking place. The lines are becoming sharper between those that can return and those that can not. Individuals not reaching a level five spiritual growth during their lifetime here will not be allowed to reincarnate on our planet earth. They will be sent to other planets with lower levels, where they will have the opportunity to grow spiritually, the same opportunity they have now on planet earth. No one will be forgotten, harmed or discarded. All will have as long as they need to gain in spiritual growth.
This separation is not taking place between the believers and non-believers, nor the spiritual and the non-spiritual, neither does religion, nationality, intelligence, wealth, or fame have anything to do with the separation. There is only one criteria. That criteria is love, how much you love yourself and others. Those who love will be put ahead of those who don’t in the spiritual world. So it has always been.
The world changes are taking place now, and will be finished during the year 2012. What could have been a disaster will now be a victory. Our earth will be a kinder, gentler place in which to live after 2012, but be advised that a level five is only half-way to heaven on earth. There is still much work to be done. So don’t pass up any opportunity to commit a random act of kindness. To reach out to those less fortunate than yourself. Develop your ability to love by practicing kindness with everyone you meet. Use the spiritual tools of forgiveness, non-judgment, empathy, and compassion everyday until they become a habit. Whatever you give to others you will receive in return tenfold.
© 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
Dying and Living
I´m what I would like to call a NDE-survivor, since my NDE, which I had as a five-year-old changed the course of my whole life. This is the story of my experience.
This event occurred in Russia, (where I was born), on a holiday trip to the Black Sea where I was with my mother and grandparents. On this particular day the sea was rough, and my mother was standing in the water, holding me in her arms, since I was only five and couldn´t swim. I remember feeling happy and secure, even though the waves were huge, and feeling exitement as they came crashing over my mother and me, one by one.
Then a particularly big wave came rolling towards us, and as it hit us my mother lost her balance, lost her grip, and I was swept away by the wave. For a second I felt the agony of death, my body instinctively sensing this being a life-threatening situation. I struggled to find something to hold on to, but since there was only water all around, I finally surrendered to what ever was about to happen to me, and let go.
Next thing I remember is feeling totally and utterly at peace, and feeling enveloped and protected by a kind of presence which I can only describe as complete and unconditional Love. I had no fear, I had no worries, and felt like I could´ve gone on being wherever I was and feeling the way I was forever. I was also strangely aware that the thing we ordinarily call time now was suspended, and did no longer exist.
Next I felt being drawn away by some unknown force, and I started moving at an enormous speed, which felt like a lot faster than the speed of light, and travelling an enormous distance, literally travelling “beyond the world.” I was moving toward a brilliant light, and as I came closer to it my only desire was to get there. When I reached the light there was a male figure standing in the midst of it, the light radiating from him, and I was embraced by this being of light, who loved me completely and unconditionally, with a Love that no words can describe. I found myself in a “world of light,” where everything was made of, and radiated light. And I remember feeling that this place I found myself in, and not the earth I´d left behind was my real home.
I also remember meeting beings, or people, that I felt I had known forever, but sadly I have no clear memory of them now. After meeting these people I found myself in the presence of the being of light I´d met first, and he told me I had to go back.
When I came to, I was crawling up the beach coughing, because I´d swallowed a lot of water, feeling like I´d been away forever, on the longest journey. When I, many years later, recounted the experience for my mother she told me only two or three minutes could have passed during the whole incident.
For many years I repressed the memory of my experience, unconsciously feeling I´d been forced from that beautiful place that was so dear to me, to return to this sorrowful earth. I didn´t remember anything until many years later. But still, even unconsciously, the insights from my NDE had changed the way I looked at life.The most important things I learned was the meaning of unconditional love, which is our true nature and the innermost nature of life itself, and I learned not to fear death. As long as we are afraid of death, we will also be afraid of life, and we won´t be able to comprehend or express our true selves, which is just as loving and beautiful as the beings I encountered in my experience.
Good luck to you all!
Lisa Meyler
© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.