
Miracles happen all the time, and in all places. They have become so common we sometimes dismiss them as chance, or call them luck. Disbelievers may call them a fortuitous event or circumstance. But whatever they may be called they are there in our lives everyday.

Miracles come in all sizes from very small to very large, however there is no order of difficulty in Miracles. There are no chance happenings in life, everything happens for a reason and has a purpose. But we may not understand that reason or purpose at the time it happens.

I ordered an external hard drive for my computer a week ago, when the drive came I took it out of the box and set it by my computer. I threw the box in a trash bin beside my house. When I went out later I noticed the trash had been picked up, but the box the hard drive had came in was on the front lawn where it had fallen out of the trash bin during the pickup. So I returned it to the trash bin.

Later, I was to discover that the hard drive wouldn’t work. Upon calling the store I bought it from I was told to send it back in the original box if I wanted a refund. It was a miracle that I still had the box.

The placebo effect is a miracle; the spontaneous remission of disease is a miracle; the flight of the bumblebee is a miracle; answered prayer is a miracle; the near death experience is a miracle; the changed lives it causes are a miracle; and life itself is a miracle.

We humans formulate “laws of nature” falsely thinking we know all about nature. When certain events “break” those laws of nature man has formulated, there is a rush not to revise the laws, but to discredit the event. These events are the miracles of life. Enjoy the wonder of miracles, be an observer of life.

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Think of Miracles


An extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.
Miracles happen daily. You can see one in the smiling face of a child, a newly unfolded rose, or a stunningly brilliant sunset. Every day people are healed of terminal disease, find their lost children, and make friends of former enemies. This world is made positive and beautiful by all the love which lies at the core of every miracle. If you don’t see them, or don’t see them often enough, try love. Learn about it, use it, wear it. Think of unconditional love, make it your goal in life.

“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.”

Willa Sibert Cather
American author winner of the Pulitzer Prize, 1873-19

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