The AfterEffect, pg4

Meeting People

The reason these experiences are called “Near Death Experiences” is due to the interaction with people which the experiencer meets while clinically dead. The experiencer may meet deceased relatives, friends, or loved ones, as well as persons unknown to the experiencer. These individuals may be called Light Beings, Angels, Guides, or Teachers.

The one most remembered by the experiencer is the one who tells them they must go back into their body and finish their physical lives. This person could be a relative, loved one, religious figure, or someone unknown. Usually the experiencer resists going back, wanting to stay in the spirit world. But they are reasoned, or forced, back into their bodies to finish their life in the physical.

While this is the most common experience there can be variations of it. Sometimes a choice is given to remain in the spiritual, or to go back into the physical. Here the experiencer must decide what to do. Each experience is unique to the experiencer. No two are exactly alike.

Since no two experiences are exactly alike many other things can happen in the interaction with people met during the experience. Relatives can tell the experiencer things previously unknown. In one experience a relative told the experiencer where to find their last will. In another where to find some hidden money. On occasion the experiencer will meet a relative unknown to them and verify the relative was real after coming back to life, or meet a relative they didn’t know was dead.

Experiencers may be shown buildings, art, the hall of records, the crystal city, among many other things. Colors, music, flowers, and fauna they had never before seen.

Some will be given a life review. Their life will pass before them on a screen while they review how they interacted with others during their physical life so far. They will feel what others felt during the process. If they harmed an individual in any way the experiencer will feel the same pain felt by the person they harmed, and conversely, if they helped an individual in any way the experiencer will feel the same joy felt by the person they helped. This is sometimes call the judgement. It is judged only by the experiencer though light beings will be present to help if asked. Life reviews are teachings that help us to change our attitudes and feelings toward others so we may be more loving individuals.

There may be other things happen that I have not remembered. I hope this writing will encourage you to read a lot of near death experiences. The more you read, the more you will understand the nature of this phenomenon. There are over 300 experiences on this site, some small, some large. I posted them exactly as I received them with only a spell checker run on them and words that were mispelled corrected.

This is what makes experiencers know their experiences were real. You may have heard skeptics say near death experiences are just hallucinations, delusions, and such, that can be reproduced by scientists using drugs or electical stimulation techniques. This, of course, is totally false. The research now being done on near death experiences is showing that consciousness does indeed live after the death of the brain and body. I hope you will read the current research as well as many near death experiences.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Think of Balance


Mental and emotional steadiness.

No one promised us a rose garden. We will experience many things in this physical life. We may lose our income, health, or loved ones at any time. We may gain income, health, or a new loved one at any time. Balance is the key to peace, and balance is achieved by seeking the Greater Reality — the reality of God’s Love. Acknowledge that good, and bad things are likely to happen, know that this is just part of the learning process of life. Be assured and safe in the knowledge that when the physical is over we will return home to meet again those we loved so much here on planet earth.

“The word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.”

Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist
who founded analytic psychology, 1875 – 1961

© 2008, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


How it feels to have a stroke

You were created you, and will never be anything or anyone but you. You were created whole, perfect, and with everything you will ever need given to you.

The physical life wrapped you into a body, and your parents, teachers, friends, loved ones, and peers taught you who you believe you are at this moment. Your beliefs, your thoughts, your emotions, are a result of not who you are, but what you have come to believe you are. It is not bad, nor good that you have become a physical person, believing in physical concepts and teachings, it is for the purpose of learning about yourself. In your physical interactions with others you are really interacting with yourself, for you are a part of everyone and everything, and everyone and everything is a part of you. We live in a Oneness of consciousness. How you treat others is exactly how you treat yourself. Physical life is a journey of self-discovery. By discovering the warmth, goodness, and love in others you discovery it within yourself. You will learn to honor, and respect all life for it is a part of you, an eternal part, as you are eternal. The path to enlightenment is the path to self-discovery, self-love, self-confidence, and the realization of the greater good is your good. The greater picture is your picture.

© 2008, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Other World

One night a couple of months ago I went to bed normally and woke up in an ambulance. Observing the surprised look on my face, the guy holding the oxygen mask informed me that I had had a grand mal seizure.According to my wife: about 4:00 a.m. I made a loud wheezing sound and then started thrashing around violently. Then I turned purple, fell over sideways and stopped breathing. She began CPR and kept it up for several minutes until I started sputtering and coughing up slime, then she called an ambulance.

My assumption was that my breathing was there but hard to detect, that she had been doing CPR on a living speciman, and that I was lucky to be alive after something like that. However, ever since I woke up in the meat-wagon I’ve had this bizarre, nagging feeling that I have been dead. I don’t remember anything that would suggest something like that, but the feeling is rather, ahhh, substantial, and it doesn’t seem to be going away.

Ever since that night my life has been a whole new ball of wax, and a sometimes disturbing one at that. I am having to learn how to live all over again; but, now I have to live in two worlds at once and I can only talk to people about one of them: the one THEY are aware of.

Here’s the part that means I’ve gone completely insane: I am aware now of an “other world”. This other world is dark and empty by default, but I now have access to this “thing” that radiates love (this sounds REALLY stupid). The thing that radiates love seems like it has the mentality of a child. It is curious and non-judgemental, and it seems to have become something of a silent partner. Why? Because without it I am subjected to this “darkness” that robs me of meaning. I am FORCED to let this “love” flow through me so I can keep going and try to straighten out this incredible mess. This is mind boggling. I actually sit around feeling LOVE for people I don’t even know. I can’t even get mad any more.

Your site is very valuable to people who have had this kind of thing happen and I appreciate it immensely. Once I figure out how to help people use this situation I’ll put up a section about it on my site (with a link to your site).

Sorry to be so long winded. I had to get this off my chest and people who will understand are few and far between.

Many thanks,


© 2008, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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