Hometown Suicides

I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and what I saw in today’s paper saddened me. The suicide rates are up 12% percent from just five years ago. There were 119 people that killed themselves in my hometown last year, and 578 committed suicide in my state in the same period. Suicide rates are twice the rate of homicides in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma is just a small state. In 2005 nationwide there were 32,637 suicides. Most of these deaths were young men. Most of the young man were plagued with depression.

What is going on, why are the suicide rates increasing? The paper called it the “Hidden Epidemic.” The suicide rate has tripled nationally in the last 30 years.

I doubt there is just one reason for it. I can see the pressure being put on young people in school to achieve far beyond what I experienced. Why? Why is all this necessary, people are individuals, they learn at different rates, humans just don’t fit into the “one schedule, one method for everyone” routine offered in most schools and businesses.

Churches are losing attendance, holding onto ancient doctrines that no longer work with the better educated young people. Science has become materialistic, or naturalistic, teaching spiritual things are nonsense, and mythology according to many scientists.

Where will the young turn to find meaning and purpose for their lives. How will they cope with the vicissitudes of today’s modern life styles. It is time to start addressing some of these problems in earnest.

I know some of them are finding meaning and purpose in near death experiences. A spirituality without religion. Millions of people have had near death experiences and have been changed for the better. Just reading near death experiences have helped many more. There is meaning and purpose to life, we are eternal beings and will live after the death of our bodies, these things we have learned from NDEs, and the research on them.

There is hope for the future for everyone.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

The Way

What is the Way, and why does everyone seem to know the Way? How many Ways are there, one or millions? I read this quote many years ago, and decided to share it.

The Way

If you meet a man that doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know that he doesn’t know, ignore him.

If you meet a man that doesn’t know, and he knows, that he doesn’t know, teach him.

If you meet a man that knows, and he doesn’t know that he knows, enlighten him.

If you meet a man that knows, and he knows that he knows, follow him.

Everyone holds the way within, it comes with the body as an essential part of life. Nourish it, expand it’s reach, honor and respect it’s meaning. The way is Love.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Prayer, giving thanks

Prayer is talking to God. It can not succeed until you realize that it asks for nothing. God knows all your questions before you ask; supplies all your needs before you request. Pray, then, to receive what is given; to accept what is already there. Real prayer is a melody of thanksgiving and love. Forget the things you think you need, and let them go into God’s hands. Prayer is a time of stepping aside; letting-go of the world; a time of peace and solitude; a time to speak of love and thanksgiving. God will answer you from the vastness of forever. His answers are for all of eternity, yet contain the specific knowledge you need.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Quotes by Emmanuel


There are no guarantees.
From the viewpoint of fear, none are strong enough.
From the viewpoint of love, none are necessary.

Every moment of your life you are offered the opportunity
to choose — Love or fear,
to tread the earth, or to soar the heavens.


Your intuitive heart is the doorway that stands between the two worlds.
In your willingness to go against all reason, all defenses,
all habits, all patterns, all superstitions, and many teachings, to say,
“I will love,” you walk in the Light.
You honor the illusion but you will never become lost in it.


Your entire human experience is predicated on your viewpoint.
Your viewpoint is predicated on your
inner belief system and that is predicated on
how much you believe in fear
and how much you believe in love.


All quotations on this page are from Emmanuel’s Book II, The Choice for Love compiled by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton.


© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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