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Letters 03, died twice

(For an explanation of this catagory, and the letters posted here, go to the first post in this catagory).
I was comatose for 6 months and was told that I died twice.

My family was making funeral arrangements…

I felt at ease, a peaceful feeling–like I didn’t want to wake up.

There was a lighness, but something I couldn’t grasp. “It” kept calling my name.

I was very at ease (or drugged up, as the case may be) and I once saw the light that said “come to me”…

I was so drugged, so drugged up, I really can’t recall.

The coma came as a result of alcohol poisoning…

My potassium and sodium levels fell so low that
I had to be life-flighted to Hospital.
(This letter came to me in small sentences one email at a time. Pray for this individual, and remember alcohol is a poison, that is why you get drunk, then pass out, go into a coma, and die, if you drink a lot of it.)

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