“It is better for you to help
others for the wrong reason,
than to wrong others for
the right reason.”
© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
“It is better for you to help © 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved. Support. To hold up or serve as a foundation. Without our Creator’s love and support we would not exist. As we grow spiritually we learn supporting others in their efforts is the same as supporting ourselves. So use every opportunity that presents itself to encourage, and help others on their path through life. Learn about the support groups available in your community, when and where they meet, what they are about, so you can give this information to others or take advantage of it yourself. We all need the love and support of others, there is no reason we shouldn’t ask for it. Most of these groups are cost free and ask nothing from the participants. Another very important thing about most of these groups is they really work, especially the twelve step groups. If you or a friend could be helped by joining a support group do so today. “It requires greater virtues to support good rather than bad fortune.” François de la Rochefoucauld © 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved. We are all engaged in service to others in some way. Most don’t appreciate the products made, or the services given by companies, organizations, and institutions as benefitting others. These are the workplaces of our country. If they weren’t helpful to others how could they exist? Commerce is people helping each other in a multitude of ways. Exchanging values for other values needed in life. Spiritual service is entirely different, it is giving from the heart with no expectation of anything in return. Spiritual giving is the most fullfilling thing you can do in life. It is a healing for both the giver and the one who receives the gift. It is not a burden, but a blessing. Giving money may or may not be spiritual service. Depends on the attitude of the giver. Mother Teresa was known to turn down large gifts of money, asking the potential giver to come work beside her. She wanted them to see and feel the good their money would do. She wanted them to be helped along with the poor receiving the donation. You could volunteer for some worthy organization needing help. Many near death experiencers have volunteered to work in Hospice with patients in the last stages of their life. Help someone learn to read at the library. Visit someone in a nursing home. I know from experience many of these people have family that almost never come to visit. Offer to run errands or drive an elderly or sick neighbor to doctor appointments. Visit them often. Keep packed snacks in your car for those who are asking for money or food at street corners. Find the spiritual service you like best and do it. There is no end to the opportunities for service. Helping others is helping yourself. Just being a good listener for a troubled teen is spiritual service to others. The world needs a lot of good listeners right now. Don’t judge, just listen and love. © 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved. here are many elements one can use in order to achieve spiritual growth. I am going to discuss the various elements, and their importance. Spiritual and/or emotional growth is beneficial to everyone. Makes no difference whether you are a spiritual person or not. It is a process of gaining emotional maturity in order to live a better and more fulfilled life in the physical world. The names of these elements are love, forgiveness, non-judging, integrity, and service. They may be divided into more, or condensed to fewer, but I will discuss them as they are shown. Love is the most important of all. Learning to love yourself and others is the purpose of life. It makes everything else meaningful. The best way to do this is though affirmations. It makes no difference what your past was, or how much trouble you have experienced. The only place you can live is in the present now. Start with the understanding that you will make mistakes and accept yourself as you are right now. Listen to yourself, what you say, and how it affects others. Was what you said loving, and kind. Think about how you can improve your thoughts, words, and feelings about others. Learn to accept others, mistakes and all. No person living in this world will make the right decision everytime. As you become less critical of others you will become less critical of yourself. Do affirmations on a regular basis daily. while it may seem boring, it is the best tool anyone has to change old habits and form new ones. It is the process of replacing old thoughts with new positive ones, and it does work over time. There is a section on affirmations on this site, but don’t feel limited by them. You can search the internet for more. Here below is a good definition of what love really is, it will teach you what real unconditional love is about.
In further writings on spiritual growth I will discuss the other elements one at a time. © 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved. |
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