The Damaged Brain

Less than ten percent of the world population believes the brain somehow creates the personality and consciousness of the individual. That small group would mostly be part of the scientific community that also believes materialism, sometimes called naturalism, is the only aspect of the Universe. This belief eliminates all spiritual aspects of life saying spirituality is mythology, unprovable wishful thinking, and irrational nonsense. One of their main arguments for this belief is the observation when the brain is damaged the personality and consciousness are also damaged.

The purpose of this writing is to show they are wrong. That the mind/spirit is not damaged when the brain is damaged. That the mind/spirit is totally separate from the brain and can fully function without the brain.

First, I would like you to watch a video made by Jill Bolton Taylor, PhD, of her stroke. Notice how she talks about all aspects of her stroke.


If the brain creates and supports the mind, which is damaged when the brain is damaged, how is Jill able to understand and talk about her brain as it is being damaged. Would not the mind also be damaged along with the brain. Apparently not. So here we have an indication the mind and brain are not one, but are two separate entities. She begins to recognize everything as energy, total energy, she can’t determine the boundaries of her body. The physical/material world fading into energy, her brain being damaged more and more, yet her mind remains clear and logical, able to describe each moment of brain damage as it happens.

Jill’s description of her stroke is not unusual, there are many accounts of recovering stoke victims telling about feeling trapped inside bodies they can no longer control. Where nothing is wrong with their mind, where the mind is fully functional, and knows what is going on around them.

Cleo Hutton’s journal entries are such a record.

Doctors and nurses continue to stream in and out of my room. I cannot communicate with them. I cannot make my mouth form the words. The words are there in my brain but I cannot get them out. When the nurse talks to me I want to scream, “I’m here!” I am frustrated, but more than that, I am scared.

Cleo can not communicate, but she does understand and wants to communicate. She is locked in a body that doesn’t work for her, her mind is fine, the brain is damaged.

I have a close friend who had a stoke leaving him partially paralyzed on one side of his body and unable to talk. He repeats short sounds, usually “ok, ok” in response to everything said to him. He understands, but can’t answer except with these short sounds. He has been this way for several years.

However, his wife has this to say about him.

Yes, my husband will talk a normal speech pattern, when he talks in his sleep. Sometimes I can actually get a full conversation going, but when he is awake the speech is just a repeat of anything he hears, reads. For some reason all words, fazes come in a patter of three. It is like he runs into a brick wall. The spontaneous speech is what did not come back.

This is another brain problem, but not a mind problem. His mind is there, he understands, he just can’t make the body work as he once could.

We are spirit/energy/mind/soul/psyche, whatever you wish to call the essential “you” occupying a physical body for the purpose of learning about ourselves.

The following is a quote from a near death experience. The experiencer was in a car crash.

At some point I remember my intelligence/spirit being to the right of my body and above the car looking at about a 45 degree angle through the roof. I remember thinking “Is this all there is to death?” I remember looking at my body and thinking that “it” wasn’t me. My intelligence/spirit was me. I don’t remember any voices or white lights like I have read about. I just remember incredible peace and being in a completely logical state. I lost my identity with my body. I no longer identified with it. It was just flesh.

There are literally thousands of near death experiences posted on the Internet, there is no chance all these people are mistaken about what they experienced.

Out of body experiences, and near death experiences indicate we are separate entities from our brain and body. Research and documented veridical near death experiences show good evidence that we will remain alive and well after the death of the body.

It may take a few years for mainstream science to catch up with the research, but reality will win out in the long run.

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