What is Truth?

How do we know truth?

Every day we must make decisions. Hundreds of people advising us to do this or do that. Asking us to believe in their truth and make it ours. Join their group, organization, company, religion, etc., and do as they do, so we will be safe, smart, rich, saved, etc. How do we sort through this mass of information and choose the best path? How do we know who is speaking truth and who isn’t?

The good news is, that we all come into the physical with a built-in truth detector. Some call it a conscious, or a wee voice whispering in our ear. The bad news is, that we don’t always follow what we know to be right. A truly honest person can not be deceived, therefor we must always do what we know to be right. Truth comes from the heart, the feelings we get about decisions we have made, or intend to make, those feelings tell us whether that being offered is good and true. As Yoda said: “you will know truth by its peace and calm.”

Here are a few things that guide me:

(1) Look through the “sales talk” into the reality behind it. “Observe what the person does, not what he says.”

(2) Know that truth is open and free to all who ask. No group or organization has any “secret” truth, and no money needs to be paid for it.

(3) Truth can be understood by all. It is never so complicated that only a few “chosen” ones can learn.

(4) Truth is always at hand. You don’t have to go somewhere “special” to find it.

(5) If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

and very important…..

(6) Truth will stand up to all questions and remain truth. There is nothing so “sacred” about truth that it can’t be questioned.

Test your truth in reality. You are responsible for your own growth and understanding. While others may advise, you are the one to say what path you will follow. It is you that will reap the reward or suffer the disappointment of your decisions.

I would not ask you to believe what you read on this blog, or anywhere else, until you test it in real life. Put the writings of love to the test. Try it out for truth.

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