Think of Intention


Intention implies what one has in mind to do.
Your intentions are the creative force of your future. Think about what your expectations (intentions) will bring you today. You will judge yourself by whether or not your intentions are fulfilled. Did you intend to accomplish a certain task, but failed? Was your intention reasonable or fancyful, actually obtainable or just wishful thinking? Work to bring your intentions into balance with your reality. Don’t judge yourself or others harshly. Understand that making mistakes, or falling short of goals, is just part of living in the physical world. Be kind to yourself and others.

“Don’t be so intent on finding the pot of gold that you forget to look at the rainbow.”


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Think of Faith


Firm belief in something for which there is no proof.
We live in faith everyday, all of us. We have faith that the world today will be as it was the day before. These small faiths are sometimes said to be “taking things for granted.” It would be great if we felt the same about the big faiths, the ones we question, like faith in ourselves, and faith in God. It is very important to have faith in yourself that you can, do the job, learn the lesson, show courage, and make the right decision. Practice having faith in yourself daily, and faith in God that He will always be there in normal times as well as times of great need.

“Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”

Rabindranath TagoreBengali poet, playwright, essayist
…1913 Nobel Prize for Literature.1861-1941

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Near Death Experience – Doorway to Heaven

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