My Experience

I have personally experienced my spirit leaving my body and being united with the “ultimate supreme spirit” (God?). In 1956, when I was fifteen years old, I had pneumonia and thought I was dying. My father took me to a doctor who gave me a penicillin injection and recommended immediate hospitalization. We had no medical insurance or money, so my father took me home to recuperate. I remember the drive home vividly. Every breath was painful and my chest felt as though a great weight was upon it. I watched cars and trucks drive by, and wondered how people could make long term plans when life was so unpredictable.

Read the whole story here.

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Love NDE

Susan Fuller felt like she was flying that sunny May afternoon. She stuck her arms out straight, leaned her head back and watched the fat, lazy clouds float overhead as she vroomed down U.S. 64 on the back of her husband’s Harley-Davidson Road King.

She felt so carefree. She didn’t worry about her six children, her job as a nurse or what she called her husband’s real wife – WTQR (104.1 FM), the country music powerhouse where he worked as program director and anchored one of the nation’s most popular country music morning shows.

Read the whole story here.

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