Into the Looking Glass

I wish to speak my mind,
not to be inappropriate,
but to enlighten myself,
to give voice to the
deepest feelings
of my being.

I want to be with you,
saying “I love you,”
meaning it sincerely,
feeling it honestly,
I want to be free.


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Letter from Bill

Why do I look out upon the canvas of the world I paint in my mind and proclaim it reality? What am I looking out from? A body? A brain, electrical currents whizzing? What makes them whiz? I am the very center of the reality within my Father, who knows I am lonely for Him and cradles me with love whenever He/She can in whatever way best sparks the love within. He knows I am confused at times and lost, but always a breath away in silence to remind me of my lineage. What have I to fear but the thoughts of my ego self that has gobbed onto my confusion. World mind energy is fear and fear is our common worldly DNA.. Learn to unbear it by recognizing the lies of the false self. Ask yourself, why should I be unhappy about ……fill in the blank? Why should I feel bad about…..fill in the blank? Why should I worry when worry has no function but to upset? As I learn who walks with me I learn I was made for love. For happiness and fullness of life. I am learning to love my life. Feels good. As it should. Dare to believe it can be so.

Bill G.

© 2013 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

© 2012 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Eternity doesn’t flow into the future
for it is without time or distance.
It is not large or small,
it takes no space at all.

Eternity is wherever you are.
At this very moment you stand
within its assumed boundaries.
Yet it exists without boundaries.

You are eternal, you make it real.
Without your being, there’s nought
to be done, no, not a wee whit.
Until you decide to deal with it.

There’s plenty eternity left
for building a path above.
A life of peace and joy
to share with those you love.


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