Last photo of the Titanic. This photograph was taken by John Morrogh at around 2 PM on April 11th 1912 as Titanic was leaving Queenstown, Ireland. It’s confirmed that this is the last photo of the famous liner.
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Last photo of the Titanic. This photograph was taken by John Morrogh at around 2 PM on April 11th 1912 as Titanic was leaving Queenstown, Ireland. It’s confirmed that this is the last photo of the famous liner. © 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved. Releasing the past for the benefit of the future. Our past can contain unresolved guilt, anger, and fear that destroys our joyous, happy future. Letting-Go of these emotions clears our past, and allows us to go forward with confidence. You are only hurting yourself by holding them. Any negative thought or emotion can ruin your whole day. So look at the thoughts surfacing in your mind today and let-go of the negative ones. Forgive them. Forgive those who may have caused them. Give these thoughts to divine power. Throw them in the trash. Melt them in the shimmering light of love. But don’t give up your peace and happiness one second longer. © 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved. Liberation from restraint, and negative thinking. Freedom is the first choice of everyone. We have personal freedoms granted by the constitution of our country. However, no one can grant you freedom from the trepidation of your own thoughts. Your mind (thinking process) can make you feel lonely in a crowd. Depression, anxiety, fear, and emotional problems may stem from negative thinking. However you are the master of your thoughts, and beliefs, you can learn to change them. Much like a gardener pulls the weeds, and plants flowers in their place, you can replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, granting yourself peace of mind, calmness, and joy. Start today reading self-help books, doing affirmations, and committing yourself to honesty, truth, and love. “Responsibility is the path to freedom.” © 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved. There is a vast difference between Religious beliefs and Spiritual reality. The Greeks and Romans had many Gods. They erected statues and places of worship. Gave sacrifices, wealth and great devotion to their Gods. Now, the religions of this ancient time have faded into history. The religions of today will also eventually fade out of favor and into history. Religion is an institution for expressing belief in a divine power. A set of rites, rituals, practices, and protocol written and followed by mankind. It is because religion is physical expression, it is doomed to the fate of all physical constructs. They have a beginning, grow into maturity, get older, out of date, and finally come to an end. We read about them in history class. Spirit, on the other hand, remains unchanged. Spirit exists above and beyond the discernment of mankind. Spirit created the physical world and all things within. You are spiritual. You were created by Spirit and are occupying a physical body in order to live, learn, and grow spiritually within the physical world. When your body becomes unsuitable for physical life you will return to the spirit world. Like spirit, you are eternal. As humans we can not fully understand the nature of spirit, nor do we know how spirit came into being. Some humans have experienced a short glimpse of the spiritual world through a phenomenon called the Near Death Experience. It is through these experiences that we are able to understand some realities of the spirit world. Spirit is light, and the light is pure energy. All things have their beginning in the light. You were created as a being of light, self-aware, and with the characteristics of unconditional love, unflagging curiosity, and eternal life. You grow spiritually by expanding your awareness. The physical world allows you to make choices, then live through the consequences of those choices. The rule of spirit is “like attracts like.” How you treat others determines how you are treated. Eventually you will learn to be nonjudgmental, kind and loving. Your job is learn to understand yourself and others. Accept others and yourself for what you are and expand your love. The more you learn the more you will understand. You honor yourself by honoring others. Never forget you are the light of the Creator surrounded by unconditional love. When life gets difficult seek the light within. It is your birthright. Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. © 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved. |
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