You Are Light


Dedicated to all the beautiful Lights of this world…That is YOU. Thank you for being here and being the LOVE that you are. Blessings & hugs, gisl

Music: Divertimento~Secret Garden

© 2010 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Living With Loving Purpose


The Onesoul presents “Living With Loving Purpose” by the Beloved Gisl.

A life lived with unconditional love is a life in line with divine purpose. This video is dedicated to You, as You were created with Love, and Love is who You are. Please be blessed by this truth and pass it on…Thanks for watching.

© 2010 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Quote by Gisl

LAUGH when you can, its tinkling reverberates thru out the universe as music to all souls and we are blessed and refreshed as in cleansing rain.

SMILE too for that brings rainbows after any storm.

And BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTs, well, it is the sunshine that gives light and reminds us that where there is Light, there is LOVE and that it is eternal and heals ALL.

May you always have Laughter, Smiles, and Beautiful Thoughts, along with the Joy and awareness that you are precious to all…God bless you.
Hugs, Gisl

© 2010 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Beautiful Loving Light

Let us be beautiful hearts that shine with loving light
So that we might all bask in oneness glowing delight

As our hearts overflows with love for everyone made
We are truly the beneficiaries of its precious cascade

In each moment that we exist in this reality
Let Love be our only wish in every breaths finality

We are here not to separate but to rejoice together
In eternal oneness we can live, laugh, love forever

We can delight in the wonders of our beautiful world in peace
We can hope, share the abundance thru our hearts love release

Everyone must realize that Love is the answer to all that we seek
And that which we seek has already been awaiting even as we speak

Let us not wait for another to offer that which we wish for ourselves
Let us be the first in actions towards peace within oneness loving spells

We are but sibling mirrors to each others eternal souls
What we see, hope and aspire to reflects our journeys goals

Let us now choose this most joyous loving way of being
Let us care for all as the most precious gift we are receiving

Let us be the LOVE that we are to ourselves and one another in peaceful surrender
Let us turn the key that opens our hearts wide unto each other’s eternal loving splendor…:)

Thanks for reading….hugs, Gisl

© 2010 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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