The New Vision

Response, finally will speak about my NDE.

Have always felt the way I do, but much more so, since that experience. Without a word, I knew there were others like me, and felt estranged from the life I had known and I changed my relationships with everyone in my life, and changed my life.

All felt I had become a stranger, but I had become myself and not what they wanted me to be for them. Now, I accept people for who they are in understanding and wisdom and allow myself to be who I am, with good motives at the core of what I do, even though I make mistakes, it’s o-k.

Love covers all and most people are not able to realize this. I sense my ability to make all comfortable, or uncomfortable within themselves, just by being who I am. I am free to be me and feel and heal and learn and wonder and accept and change and live and hope and know.

Peace and love shall be with me and I hope I can help others to live well in harmony for the purpose we were created. I have wonderful friends who say I am wonderful. People who are greedy and power hungry get angry with me for not using my potential to be somebody. I know I am already more than that and have more than I need, have purpose and growth in ways superior to power and money that fade with the person who strives for that.

I feel that I have so much to learn and experience. I am weary sometimes from the life I have had to deal with in the loss and suffering of others I love, but I go on and rejoice, to live still more here, for there is a purpose and usefulness to my life so I must not misuse this gift and insight.

I say these things in truth, most humbly and gratefully.


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