Another video of a near death experience.
© 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
httpvhd:// Another video of a near death experience. © 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved. Evil did not come from God. God is unconditional love, and creates out of His love all the things of the universe. There are no mistakes, no less than love creations, and none of God’s creations ever become anything less than they were created to be. This means all God’s children are created in His image of perfect love, and remain perfect love forever. God’s children, that’s every single one of us humans, are eternal beings created in God’s love. The physical world, in which we now live, was created to provide a classroom for young souls to learn about themselves and others. Here we take physical bodies that seemingly separate us from others. Then by learning about others we learn about ourselves. We rediscover who we really are, something not possible to do in the Oneness of the spiritual world. The physical world shows us a duality. Full of ups and downs, blacks and whites, hot and cold, etc., etc. A world of choice, perfect to exercise our God given free will, and stretch our young emotions and imaginations. When the physical world was first created there was cooperation between God’s children who came to learn. They worked together to build their houses and gather their food. It was a true Eden where spiritual love was the main theme of physical life. They learned from each other, and they also learned from the duality of the physical world. Making choices that benefitted themselves as well as others. At that time the earth was as it is in heaven. However, over the years, their focus began to change gradually from spiritual love to love of material things offered by the physical world. People became territorial, saying: “this is my land, and that is your land.” Cooperation faded into competition, they began to feel separated from each other, as well separated from God, and His love. Groups of like-minded people started communities or tribes. The tribes went their separate ways from one another, and started countries with well defined borders. Forgetting they were once One, becoming strangers to one another. As the separation became greater, feelings of love became less. People began to fear about having enough. Enough food, shelter, land, and other material things. Fear turned into worry, and anxiety about personal survival in the physical world. They forgot they were God’s eternal children, they forgot the light of love, and slipped into ever deepening darkness. Fear is the father of all negative emotions. Guilt, jealousy, hate, greed, and anger, to list a few. With fear came evil. The strong took from the weak, the powerful took from everyone. Tribes and countries warred on one another for material gain. God became symbolic and far away. Some began to fear God, and attribute Him with negative emotions such as jealousy, punishment, and revenge. Some began to say God doesn’t exist at all. Yet everything was as it should be. The Father looked upon the mistakes of His children, and sent master spiritual teachers to show them the path back to light, love, and compassion.
But the people heard them not. Those teachers that were not murdered, and some that were, became objects of worship that would create great religions. Religions full of doctrine and rituals while the teachings of the Masters largely went unheeded or ignored. Not being able to accept responsibility for their mistakes, and the evil they caused to fall upon the earth. People created demons, and devils upon which to blame the lack of light in the world, and the deepening darkness. Some even blamed God for the chaos they had caused, saying God was to blame for letting it happen. But not all people ignored the teachings, there were still some that understood and began to walk the path back to God’s love. The path to love is a personal spiritual path. They heeded the teachings of love.
The earth school was now complete. The beginning classes were now graduating from the duality of the lessons. The cycle was complete. All would graduate at their own pace, some quickly and some not so quickly. The perfect had experienced imperfection and regained the knowledge of good with a renewed enthuiasm of life. They now know the importance of love, caring, and compassion. And all was as it should be. © 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved. I grew up in Christian churches until I became old enough to choose whether I would go to church or not. I chose not to go to church around the age of 16. I had listened to all the lessons diligently and knew them by heart. But they had little appeal for a teenager setting out to make his mark in the world. A big surprise when I went to college, and took a minor in religion. I was asked to read the entire Bible, and found that much of what I had been taught in church wasn’t in the Bible, and there was a lot of stuff in the Bible that I had never heard about in church. Disbelief, confusion, and other emotions rising from this discovery caused me to become agnostic, and generally forget about religion altogether. I remained agnostic right up to the last second before my near death experience. During the experience my beliefs about life and the physical world were shattered and lay as dust about my feet. I gained a new knowledge, an expansion of consciousness, an enlightenment that has stayed with me for over twenty years now, and will remain with me forever. I now know the difference between spirituality and religion, that I am loved unconditionally, that I am eternal, that I am spirit, in a physical body, living in a physical world created by Higher Intelligence. But the most valuable thing I received was an understanding of the teachings of Jesus. People are leaving church today more than ever before. I think it is because the churches are not teaching love. They seem more concerned with doctrines and social issues than following the teachings of Jesus. I even had a minister tell me the teachings of Jesus were OK for His time, but were impractical in today’s world.
This is the core teaching of the near death experience. Surrounded by the light of unconditional love, every experiencer feels the compassion and caring of a loving God, and knows he is expected to emulate that love with everyone in the world.
This is consistent with near death experiences and the theme of love one another. We can not love only those who love us, we are to love all people. There are no exceptions to God’s love, nor should there be to our love of one another.
Near death experiencers feel total acceptance in the light. There is no judgement from God. We are loved for who we are, God’s children, and not what we believe or what we have done. There is no religion in the spirit world, only love. Experiencers do go through a “life review.” In this review their whole life passes before them, they feel the pain they have caused others as well as the joy. It is like changing places with others you have hurt and feeling exactly what they felt. It is a learning tool and not a judgement. We learn through the life review just how important it is to treat everyone with kindness and love.
These teachings of Jesus are about the Oneness of all creation. The Oneness that near death experiencers feel within the light. We are within God and God is within us. We are One. All creation is One. Like drops of water in the ocean, or leaves of a giant tree, we are all connected. The sum total of all creation is God. If we wish to know God we look within ourselves with prayer and meditation. Asking for knowledge, strength, and gratitude to be like Jesus, to love ourselves and all others so we may do as Jesus does.
Most near death experiencers are impelled to help others. The experience, almost always, causes profound personality and life style changes in the experiencer. Some NDE experiencers go back to school to become teachers or counselors. Some lecture, write books. Others do volunteer work at Hospices, Nursing Homes and Hospitals. Some open “Centers of Learning” or start classes/support groups. Even those who don’t “go public” with their experience are changed into kinder and more loving individuals. The impact of the experience is to change the experiencer, and the change lasts a lifetime. As Jesus said we are to help others, especially those in need. This does not begin to cover all the teachings of love by Jesus. But it is a beginning in the right direction. I wish churches will begin to return to the teachings of Jesus as their main message of hope, and purpose in life. Below is a quote from Paul lest we forget the real definition of love, and then a final quote from Jesus. God bless all.
The final quote comes from Jesus.
Some near death experiencers see and talk to Jesus during their experience. They say He is always kind and loving to them, just as He asks them to be with others. I hope this helps in understanding near death experiences. © 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved. httpvhd:// Dr. Bruce Greyson at the UN on Near Death Experiences – Beyond the Mind-Body Problem This speech is similar to an earlier post, but is clearer and easier to hear. This is real important dialogue for the future of our world. © 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved. |
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