Pam Reynolds


As it explains on the video Pam is a musician, and has composed a CD with some of it relating to her near death experience. You can go to her site to purchase the music if you wish. One line of a song she wrote says: “I had to die in order to learn how to live.”

These two videos tell the incredible story of Pam Reynolds. She had a Near Death Experience that was monitored by a surgical team. What this reveals is proof we humans are spiritual beings. We will live after the death of our body.

There are more videos in the “Contents” of this blog. The videos may repeat some of her experience more than once. But the evidence is real, we are eternal beings, and living a compassionate loving life is very important.

© 2020 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Gloomy clouds of desperation
billow through a bungled past.
Failed probabilities mangled
from a question left unasked.

Guilt straddles the back of heroes,
distraught over what might have been.
Anxiety contorts the soul,
what was, will never be again.

Hiding deep within the darkness,
cloaked with eons of denial.
A glimmer of serenity
whispers, madness is not final.

The grim prevailing ambiance
is not what it appears to be,
within it exists wisdom that
validates immortality.

What seems solid is but vapor
swirling about an Honesty.
A light long dimmed by fearfulness
and beaded with apostasy.

Press bravely through the inner mist.
Reclaim a wisdom known before.
Light of unconditional love,
resides within forever more.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Going Home

Now when I lay me down to die,
give no pity, feel no sorrow.
There is no need for one to crycause I won’t be here tomorrow.

I’ve lived life for a long, long time,
learning to do what’s good and right.
I’ve made me mark, written me rhyme,
I'm set to take that final flight.

I’ve touched the hem of death before,
by heart attack I ceased to be.
I’ve seen another distant shore,
through me face-to-face NDE¹.

The spirit world is golden light, 
filled with care, compassionate love.
Its total blessing hugs you tight,
leaving no doubt you’re part thereof.

The Park² has opulent green grass,
dotted with brilliant rainbow flowers,
tables, and chairs like polished brass
a place to couch for endless hours.

Deep blue water flows in small stream,
ponds with fountains create a breeze.
Around The Park’s utmost extreme,
are dwellings built for all to please.

Crystal buildings house libraries,
for the pursuit of all knowledge.
Rooms of learned commentaries,
more than any earthly college.

A Hall of Records³ contains the past,
the deeds of all souls ever been,
for us to know, from first to last,
a worthy work kept safe therein.

Museums, mansions, field for games,
schools for keeping me reverent.
"Like earth it seems to be the same,
yet it is very different¹¹.”

I could be someone's spirit guide²²,
to help them navigate their life.
I might play watcher³³ on the side,
helping the gifted with their strife.

Many, many roles to choose from,
much work of love to carry through.
I could pose an effort outcome,
and then relax, let love accrue.

Everywhere light, the source of love,
permeating bright through and through.
Bringing compassion from above,
love and caring for me and you.

Naught to serve, everywhere to serve,
naught to learn, everything to learn,
freedom of choice that all deserve,
the greatest gift of life to earn.

So when I lay me down to die,
grieve for thyself, I will not roam,
we shall meet again, in the bye, 
not to worry,  I’m going home. 

¹Near Death Experience.
²Mentioned in multiple NDEs.
³Akashic Records.
¹¹Emmanuel Quote
²²Each person in the physical has
   a spirit guide helper.
³³Watchers look for the gifted
   and help them.

The near death experience information
 in this poem taken from my experience
 as well as hundreds of other NDEs.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

NDE Changed My Life

It was another dreadfully cold and snowy Monday in Indianapolis; a town far away from home and a place I truly despised. I did not have family near by and I was in a terrible marriage. On that November 15, 1993, the fear of cancer was added to my already, unsettled life and the only option was surgery.

As I woke up in the recovery room, I heard a voice telling me that there was no cancer. Shortly thereafter, I realized something was very wrong. There were many alarmed voices and fast moving bodies huddling over me. I was crying out, “WHAT IS WRONG?,” yet no one would answer. I reached for someone, but my arms would not move. My vision failed me and I could only hear faint voices, the most prominent one stating, “Her blood pressure is dropping, oh my God, we are losing her, get the ventilator!” Panic began to overcome me and I screamed, “PLEASE, HELP ME!”

A beautiful, luminous light appeared. It was so pretty and peaceful looking. As I slowly walked towards the light, I could feel a glorious warmth on my face. It made me feel content and happy for the first time in years and I wanted to stay there forever. However, I heard many noises behind me and turned back. I could see the doctors and nurses working on my lifeless body. At this point, going towards the light was so easy compared to my complicated life.

Once again, I turned to walk into the light and this time I heard some familiar voices behind me. As I turned to look, I could hear my children crying, “Mommy, please don’t leave us!” Both of them were reaching out for me. There was a beautiful light on one side and my children on the other, what to do?

The next thing I remember was opening my eyes and the light was replaced with a green wall. The voice I heard was a nurse telling me, “welcome back.” I had been in a coma for three days.

This experience changed my life. I made many changes and now my children and I are very happy. Sometimes, I can not believe I had to think about the choice of the light or my children, but I am thankful for the choice I made.

Has anyone else ever had to make such a choice during their NDE? Was this a voluntary return or just not my time yet? –T.

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