A wonderful inspiration video, with excellent music. Seven hours in surgery with their heart stopped brought insight and love.
© 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
httpvhd:// A wonderful inspiration video, with excellent music. Seven hours in surgery with their heart stopped brought insight and love. © 2009 – 2014, Lekatt. All rights reserved. Speaking of us humans, could an individual with a low IQ still be a genius? The answer to this question is yes. While that sounds rather impossible, it does exist. Such people are called idiot-savants. I have a video on one such individual. He was the inspiration for the movie “Rain Man.” Kim Peek can read a page from a book in eleven seconds, and remember every word. He has committed nine thousand books to memory. He has a broken brain, the right and left hemispheres of his brain are not connected as our brains are connected. Here is a quote about his brain:
When I read about individuals like Kim I have to wonder how a broken brain can in some ways be able to do things a whole brain can not do. While main stream science still believes the brain creates the individual, I do not. Having been out of my body I know that I am not the product of my brain. During my near death experience I learned I existed before this body I now control, and I will live after this body has died. Since Kim’s brain does not allow him full control of his body, he (his mind/spirit) connects more to the spirit world than does ours. Allowing him to access some of the unlimited aspects of that dimension. Kim seems to be able to access any knowledge asked of him. Edgar Cayce had similar talents, but, unlike Kim, needed to go into a trance to provide the knowledge. There is a Hall of Records in the spirit world that contains all the knowledge of the universe. It is easy to access in spirit form, but near impossible to access while in physical form. There has been no physical memory discovered in the brain, no thoughts, no emotions, or any other aspects of the mind. The brain is only the interface between mind/spirit and the body. I think we can learn more by studying damaged and broken brains than we can by studying whole brains. Identical multiple births, and even conjoined twins raised in the same environment by the same parents, sharing the same DNA, do not have the same personality. All people are unique individuals and do not get their personalities from their brain. They were, who they were, before the body they control was formed. httpvhd:// The definition of idiot-savant is: “Psychiatry — a mentally defective person with an exceptional skill or talent in a special field, as a highly developed ability to play music or to solve complex mathematical problems mentally at great speed.” For more information on this subject go here Out of body experiences, and near death experiences indicate we are separate entities from our brain and body. Research and documented veridical near death experiences show good evidence that we will remain alive and well after the death of the body. © 2009 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved. Supernatural, miraculous, anomalous, etc. are words used to explain events of unknown cause. Everything, however, has a reason for being and a discernable cause. If we don’t understand an event, it doesn’t mean it is beyond us. In time, all things we marvel at will be revealed. If you want to speed up your knowledge of life, learn to Love. Within the energy of Love is the answer to all things, all knowledge. Love is the answer.
© 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved. We gain knowledge by personal experience, sometimes called learning by doing. It is a great way to gather experience and knowledge at the same time. But it is not without drawbacks. It is best to learn under the guidance of someone who already has the experience and can walk you through it. This keeps the “trial and error” part of personal experience to a minimum. We can get this “knowledgeable someone” by reading their books, and learn at our own pace. If you wish to study near death experiences for instance, read a lot of books on the subject. You will find that the authors don’t always agree, and that is why it is important to read as many as possible. After reading a number of books on the subject you will notice there are things that most authors do agree on, and those things are the basic truth of near death experiences. © 2007, Lekatt. All rights reserved. |
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