
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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Body and Soul

Your parents and their lineage created your body. It is a good body, but some bodies have imperfections. We humans are constantly trying to improve our bodies with cosmetics, diets, and exercise.

The Creator formed you from His energy, and you reside within your body. You are perfect in every way, just like Mary Poppins. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes. You, your soul, strives to be loving and compassionate, just like the One that created it. You are not your body,

Often a conflict arises between the body and soul. The soul wants to share, but the body doesn’t. The body wants to do drugs, but the soul doesn’t. The soul wants to forgive, but the body doesn’t. The body wants to cheat, but the soul doesn’t. You get the idea. Sometimes we call this our conscious guiding or warning us.

Spiritual growth is the real reason you are in a body. The more you (your soul) wins the conflict the more you grow spiritually. It is a simple way to teach. You are confronted with decisions and you make choices. Spiritual growth is the goal of this life. Keep your thoughts on the goal and grow spiritually. It is not the best way, it is the only way to happiness and fulfillment.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Thoughts Create Reality

Thoughts are very important, they create your reality. When you change your thoughts you change your reality. Affirmations are the best way to change thoughts. Many years ago a pharmacist wrote an affirmation as a prescription for people with negative attitudes toward life. He asked them to repeat this affirmation at least twice a day, every day.

The affirmation was: “Everyday in every way I am getting better and better.” Many thanked him because it worked for them. Ever since people have used affirmations to change negative thoughts into positive ones.

Remember thoughts are like clouds passing through your mind, some are sad and depressing while others full of joy and uplifting. Gain control over negative thoughts by using affirmations. It takes little time and produces great results.

© 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Spiritual Encouragement

Comments: (in response to NDE #24)
Hi John, I absolutely believe in the eternal nature of human souls. We existed before we were born as spirit children of God. We came to earth to gain experience, a physical body, and to learn things we would need to know to help us fulfil our potential and become more like our Father. Of course I don’t have a full understanding of your experience, but I would think that if you came back from His love, there must be something in this life you are yet to learn or experience. It might even be something as simple as learning the patience to endure to the end. I’d love to talk about it more, but only if you’re interested! Best wishes, E.

Comments: (in response to NDE #29)
Don’t give up!! Yes there is a perfect light and love to return to when we die, but He wouldn’t have sent us here if there wasn’t a good reason! There are things we need to learn and to do, experiences we need to gain, relationships to develop (yes, these can be eternal too). Like you, I have felt frustrated by the shallowness and meaninglessness of so many aspects of “normal” life. If only others could glimpse what the real purpose of life is, and the greater picture we are all part of! I personally have never had a NDE, but I can relate to so much of what is described. I feel a close connection with God, and through study, prayer, and spiritual experiences, I have a deepening understanding of His teaching that we should be “IN the world, but not OF it”. Unfortunately, working for a living is one of life’s necessities to avoid burdening others with our physical needs. But we have so much opportunity to do more, to reach out, and to lift and help others. Imagine when we return to that Love after we die. How it might be to return “home” knowing we’ve done our best to serve others and to see people we’ve taken time to care about, or knowing we’ve wasted the time of our “probation” here. There are so few of us who have felt His love. His influence is in the world where people invite it, but we are His hands. Lets do what we can to share the hope of that peace and love to those who’ve not yet felt it.
I hope this has helped even a tiny bit!
With love, E.

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By Your Side

By Your Side
Tenth Avenue North

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