What I Learned

What I learned from my near death experience is that beliefs we hold are not reality nor truth. However, these beliefs are responsible for our happiness and joy, or our sadness and depression. It is very important to understand that what you believe can help or hurt you. The axiom of “you create your own reality,” is very true. If you think badly of yourself it reflects in all your thoughts and deeds prompting others to think badly of you also. Hopefully, you will think well of yourself and your ability.

I learned what unconditional love is like, and why it is important for me to learn to love in that manner. It is love that holds everything together. It is love that replaces fear and gives you self-confidence. It is love that brings peace and joy into your life. It is love that heals both physically and mentally. I am trying now to walk the path of love, forgiving my faults and shortcomings, and forgiving others theirs. I am using love to stop judging myself. No one said it would be easy, but it is rewarding beyond belief.

© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Tough Negotiations

When I was young, about a half century ago, I worked in a union typesetting shop. When the union contract came up for negotiation I was selected as chief negotiator for the union. I would be negotiating the contract against the owner of the shop I worked for, since he was chief negotiator for management. There were many shops, and a couple of newspapers that would would be affected by the contract.

It was a long, hard, and brutal negotiation that lasted for many weeks. In frustration, I threatened to call a strike. Management countered with a threatened lockout, nothing was going well. I was sure my days of employment were at an end.

Then management called a meeting on Sunday, the day before the strike. For the first time we got down to the business of hammering out a contract. Concessions were made on both sides and we came up with a contract suitable for a vote. I remained angry with my boss (management). I couldn’t even look at him when it was over, and I’m sure the feelings were mutual. Later the contract was approved and things returned to normal except for the aggravated feelings.

A couple of months later as I was working on a special project, I saw my boss approaching. I figured this would be my dismissal. As he drew near he said: “you know that contract we signed isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.” Startled, I thought he meant to break the contract. He repeated: “you know that contract we signed isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on,” then he added: “the only thing that really matters is how we treat each other.” Stunned with his words, the only thing to do was to offer my hand, and say: “I can certainly agree with that.”

This was the beginning of a friendship that lasted over 20 years. I don’t think I could have said that, my anger was too great. He knew how to break through the barrier that formed between us, and establish rapport. We worked together for mutual benefit from that day forward. I learned a lot from him. Since then, I learned how to break down barriers with former enemies, and call them friends. Wish everyone could do this, put aside false pride and haughty egos to make friends of enemies. This world would be a kinder, gentler place to live.

© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

End of the World Soon

How many times have you heard soothsayers foretell the end of the world. There was the 2000 scare that all computers would go down causing chaos and destruction. Then the 2012 scare according to the writings of ancient prophets and civilizations the world would end in December.. There’s always been a threat of Armageddon, end times and second coming of Christ. Someway, so far, we have missed these dreadful prognostications.

Why do people still believe such fearful teachings? If the world hasn’t ended in thousands of years, why would anyone think it will end now because some seer said: “the end is near?”

Many people readily believe negative teachings over positive. We humans seem to believe the worst about others. We need to be more perceptive. There are more positive things happening in this world than negative. It’s negative events that get media coverage.

Have no fear. We are pure energy, and will return to whence we came. All leave this world in time. It really doesn’t matter how, or when that happens. Live your life the best you can, caring and helping others along the way. Each year will come and go as did the year before. No one knows if, or when, this world will end. This means nobody, nowhere, nohow.

This world is like a school. We grow by learning about ourselves and others. We’re here to learn to love. If this world ever outlives its purpose, it will not blow up, it will not burn up, it will gently fade out of being.

© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

Two Teachers

Those who teach love and light are fulled with love and light. Those who teach fear and darkness are filled with fear and darkness. By teaching they expect to convince others to; believe as they believe; act as they act; vote as they vote; and teach as they teach. Which one appeals to you? This is a serious question only you can answer. Those walking in the light of love fear nothing. Those walking in fear and darkness are standing in a brilliantly lit room with their eyes tightly closed yelling for someone to turn on the lights.

© 2018 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.

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