This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.
“I regard the existence of disincarnate spirits as scientifically proved, and I no longer refer to the skeptic as having any right to speak on the subject”
Prof. James Hyslop, Columbia University
“Unless there is a gigantic conspiracy involving some thirty University departments all over the world, and several hundred highly respected scientists in various fields, many of them originally hostile to the claims of psychical researchers, the only conclusion the unbiased researcher can come to must be that there does exist a small number of people who obtain knowledge existing either in other people’s minds, or in the outer world, by means as yet unknown to science.”
Prof. H. J. Eysenk, Chair of the Psychology Department, University of London
“I am absolutely convinced of the fact that those who once lived on earth can and do communicate with us. It is hardly possible to convey to the inexperienced an adequate idea of the strength and cumulative force of the evidence.”
Sir William Barrett F.R.S
“Despite the ambiguities inherent in the type of exploration covered in these programs, the integrated results appear to provide unequivocal evidence of a human capacity to access events remote in space and time, however falteringly, by some cognitive process not yet understood.”
H.E. Puthoff, PhD
Institute for Advanced Studies, Austin
I didn’t say it was possible. I just said it happened.
While I stood there, I saw more than I can tell, and understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner…the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being.
Black Elk
To love one’s self in the right way and to love one’s neighbors are absolutely analogous concepts, are at bottom one and the same…Hence the law is: “You shall love yourself as you love your neighbor when you love him as yourself.”
Soren Kierkegaard
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the Light.”
“Those who say there is only one road to Rome don’t know Rome very well.” New Thought teaches us not only to tolerate but to honor all paths to God. All religions have love at their core. We are meant to learn to love one another, love God and love ourselves. No religion is bigger than God.
I was four years old then, and I think it must have been the next summer that I first heard the voices.
Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss.
I looked below and saw my people there, and all were well and happy except one, and he was lying like the dead – and that one was myself.
After the horse dance was over, it seemed that I was above the ground and did not touch it when I walked.
They told me I had been sick twelve days, lying like dead all the while, and that Whirlwind Chaser, who was Standing Bear’s uncle and a medicine man, had brought me back to life.
I cured with the power that came through me.
There can never be peace between nations until there is first known that true peace which is within the souls of men.