A Near Death Experience, No. 104.

Before Birth Communication.

After several months of trying and failing to conceive a child my husband and I were finally successful. We were both so happy. Our dream had finally come true. Unfortunately that dream was short lived.

Friday, October 13, started out like any other day. I went to work, ran errands, and came home. But then I started to have cramps. I called the doctor and was told to relax, put my feet up, and drink water.

I went to bed early convinced all I need was rest. In the middle of the night a little boy appeared to me and somehow in my heart I knew this was my son. I was so happy to see him, he was a beautiful boy, but he looked so sad.

I asked him: "why are you sad, what's wrong?"

He told me that he was going to have to leave for awhile, that God had something very important for him to do. He promised that he would return someday. I was crying, begging him to stay, but he faded away.

I awoke with a start and felt pain like I had never felt before. I lost the baby within 30 minutes. Although it was difficult to lose this child, I felt at peace that he would keep his promise and return to me one day.

He, Anthony James, returned the following year on December 3, looking just like the child I saw previously. He is a true gift from God.



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