Loved by God.
First, I'd like to say that this site has to be my favorite on the web.
Thank you.I'd like to tell you the miracle I experienced.
I was driving home one night after partying, and really should not have been on the road. I got in my car, and prayed to make it home safely. I told God that I was so sorry, and really needed some assistance. I soon felt someone behind me, as if I was on someone's lap, and his arms were wrapped around me, and this presence drove me home.
I think it was God, I felt so loved and forgiven. Since then, I've been more spiritual than ever. I also don't drink more than an occasional glass of wine. God is so awesome, and I thank Him all the time. The miracle is that He has made me feel so happy, and gave me another chance without having to go through a devastating accident to learn. Praise be to the Lord!!!
God Bless You,