This is a page with some short sayings that may help in times of stress and strife. I hope you will enjoy them.
I am an eternal Being created in God's image. I lack nothing. Everything I will ever need, I already possess. I am perfect, whole, and invincible. I am safe and secure at all times. I can never fail. I am Perfect Light, Perfect Love, Perfect Truth. God's creations are flawless, and I will always be, just as God created me.
The sun is warm. The grass is green.
The water runs cool, calm, and deep.
Everything is as it should be.
All is well. All is well. All is well.
"I forgive you, for all the wrongs, I believe you have done to me."
"I forgive everyone, for all the wrongs, I believe they have done to me."
"I forgive the world, for all the wrongs, I believe it has done to me."
"I forgive myself, for all the wrongs, I believe I have done."