
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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What I Am

Affirmations by Britney

I am lovable and acceptable.

I fully accept and believe in myself just the way I am.

I accept all the different parts of myself.

I’m already worthy as a person. I don’t have to prove myself.

It’s OK to think about what I need.

It’s good for me to take time for myself.

I have many good qualities.

I believe in my capabilities and value the unique talents I can offer the world.

I trust in my ability to succeed in my goals.

I am a valuable and important person, worthy of the respect of others.

Others perceive me as a good and likable person.

When other people get to know me, they really like me.

Other people like to be around me. They like to hear what I have to say and know what I think.

Others recognize that I have a lot to offer.

I deserve to be supported by those people who care about me.

I deserve the respect of others.

I now receive assistance and cooperation from others.

I’m optimistic about life. I look forward to and enjoy new challenges.

I know what my values are and am confident of the decisions I make.

I easily accept compliments and praise from others.

I take pride in what I’ve accomplished and look forward to what I intend to achieve.

I believe in my ability to succeed.

I love myself just the way I am.

I don’t have to be perfect to be loved.

The more I love myself, the more I am able to love others.


© 2020 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


You and I

Should not ponder we’re
Lesser or greater.
Such may cause us to crater.
Full respect for self
And others triumphs.


© 2017 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Ocean Friends ~ Living Waters

The Onesoul presents “Ocean Friends ~ Living Waters” by Gisl.

Living Waters ~ Dedicated to all the beautiful inhabitants of our living seas. May we always appreciate the gift of their presence and respect the home that they reside and the abundance that they provide in the ONEness circle of life. Blessings to us all. Hugs, Gisl

© 2011 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


The Way

What is the Way, and why does everyone seem to know the Way? How many Ways are there, one or millions? I read this quote many years ago, and decided to share it.

The Way

If you meet a man that doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know that he doesn’t know, ignore him.

If you meet a man that doesn’t know, and he knows, that he doesn’t know, teach him.

If you meet a man that knows, and he doesn’t know that he knows, enlighten him.

If you meet a man that knows, and he knows that he knows, follow him.

Everyone holds the way within, it comes with the body as an essential part of life. Nourish it, expand it’s reach, honor and respect it’s meaning. The way is Love.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.
