
This blog is more than an account of Near Death Experiences. It ponders in detail the tough questions of life. Who are you, and why are you here in this physical world? What happens when you die, and is there a judgment? However, most anything could appear here. This is not a news blog, archived posts are just as relevant as new posts. Check the boxes at the top of the page for the Contents, Contact, Forum and other links.

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Physical Life

Who has not asked:
“What am I doing here?”
In a moment of quiet despair
who has not wondered “why me?”

No one knows how life began. Many theories abound, but facts are scarce. Religion, science, even aliens are used to explain creation. However, if theories were facts they would not be theories. We can only look at the wonders of this world speculating how they came into being. We can only guess how the Universe was born, and by what power it was thrust into reality.

It is simplistic to believe creation was chance and mankind only a fluke of fate. It is more logical to assume a “Higher Intelligence” put this world together. Religion attempts to describe this “Higher Intelligence” with many contradictory behaviors. One cannot rationally believe these man-made explanations.

From the beginning of recorded history man has believed in life after death. Paintings on cave walls reveal cavemen believed. Where did this idea/belief come from, how did mankind start to believe in life after death? It is possible they experienced themselves outside their body. Today, due to traumatic events folks have found themselves out of body and still very much alive. These experiences are called “Near Death Experiences.” It is estimated eight million people living in the U.S. have experienced this out-of-body phenomenon.

What is within the human body that still exists after death? Is it conscious energy given by a Higher Intelligence? Is this conscious energy the real you — your personality, thoughts, beliefs and memory? We humans do not create this energy, nor can we destroy it. It is eternal. For simplicity we will call this energy “consciousness.” A married couple can’t create consciousness. They only create the mortal coil, or body in which it exists here on planet earth. If the body becomes unable to sustain consciousness, it returns to the non-physical.

We come into the physical to grow into emotional maturity. We have to work at it every day. Watching our words and actions to insure we harm no one. The methods have been taught by Master Teachers. Jesus, Confucius, Krishna, and Buddha to name a few. The methods are: love your enemies, forgive those who use and/or exploit you, return good for evil, and help those in need. Your wealth or position in the physical matters not one whit. If you’re like most, you’ll not feel the value until after you try. It is infinitely worthwhile.

© 2018, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


I had all knowledge

Hello! I just discovered this message board today.

I feel that I had a NDE after a car accident 2 years ago. It was like one minute all my questions were answered and when I woke up I could barely remember what I was told. I do remember asking if I would remember.

In my choice to live or die, the consequence of coming back was not having the knowledge and the open-mindedness. I tried to remember something anyway. I think all that I remember is that people waste so much energy on small issues that really have no purpose in the grand scheme of things.

Anyway, I hope this helps.


© 2010, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Brain Waves Surge

Brain Waves Surge Moments Before Death

Quoting from the study below:

A study of seven terminally ill patients found identical surges in brain activity moments before death, providing what may be physiological evidence of “out of body” experiences reported by people who survive near-death ordeals.

Doctors at George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates recorded brain activity of people dying from critical illnesses, such as cancer or heart attacks.

Moments before death, the patients experienced a burst in brain wave activity, with the spikes occurring at the same time before death and at comparable intensity and duration.

Writing in the October issue of the Journal of Palliative Medicine, the doctors theorize that the brain surges may be tied to widely reported near-death experiences which typically involve spiritual or religious attributes.

I believe the theory to come out of this study is correct up to a point. Near death experiencers report a buzzing sound followed by a loud pop as they exit their bodies at the beginning of their experience. (This could very well be the brainwaves surge measured by this study.) While out of body they see the light, and experience all the other facets of the near death experience before reentering their bodies.

In the above study the people were close to dying from terminal illnesses, so when they exited their bodies with a brain waves surge of energy they did not return. Their lives were over. So the study covers the body exit, but it does not explain the many facets of near death experiences.

Near death experiences are real and we have the proof say scientists. There is no reason to believe NDEs are anything other than what the experiencers say they are, no evidence of any kind that they are local events within the brain, while there is a great deal of evidence that they are non-local events and very real.

© 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Double Slit Experiment

Everything is energy, E=mc2. All energy is sentient, conscious. All consciousness is sentient energy. Therefore the electrons are conscious, and when the observer is added, they conform to the expectations of the observer illustrating our ability to change our reality through our expectations. We create our own reality. Our thoughts and beliefs change our reality. If you don’t like your reality expect better.

© 2009 – 2021, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


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