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Remembering the Joy

4 Tips on Remembering the Joy of Life

It is all too easy to forget the wonder and gift that is life on our planet. We tend to get too caught up in material things and we are too fast to lament over alleged hardships. The advice that we should “stop and smell the roses” every so often is commonly offered but rarely taken, and as a result we miss half of what the world gives. Life is an indescribable blessing, and we need to remind ourselves of all the reasons why it is a joy to be alive.

1. Observe nature. Walk into the shade of a grove of trees and look around. Listen to the scratch of leaves and branches in the wind and the trilling chirps of unseen birds. If you pay attention to nature, you will notice the amazing transformation it goes through week by week, powered only by the sun, soil, and water. Leaves turn golden and pile underneath increasingly bare branches in the autumn, only to burst back into lush, green life in the spring. Scented fruits weigh down what used to be dead, weedy branches, and everywhere new life erupts from winter’s bones. And we are a part of it all, growing with each passing season and year.

2. Observe your senses. Pay attention to the texture of leather, wood, or cotton on your fingertips. Notice the varied notes in the mist of perfume. Listen to the slight squeak of a guitarist’s fingers on the fret board as he changes chords. Watch the slow appearance of stars in the once-blank sky. Taste the salt in the air when you are standing by the sea. All of our senses allow us to relish in the bounty of the world, and it is our senses that immerses us in living and connects us with nature.

3. Look inward. No one in the world is exactly the same, which is difficult to fathom knowing that there are more than 6 billion people on the planet. Out of the entire population, we are all one of a kind, as even identical twins are different in personality, behavior, and tastes. Think about what makes you uniquely you, and what you have in common with others.

4. Look outward. Think of all the people you have come in contact with throughout your life and how they have changed you. Realize that you too have had the same changing effect on others as your lives drifted together and apart. Cherish the family and friends you hold dear and rejoice in the experiences you have been through together and how many more are sure to come.

This post was contributed by Donna Scott.

© 2009 – 2013, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


White Turtle

White Turtle

A Prophecy

“The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;”

Song of Solomon 2:12

I have never seen a white turtle before, it reminded me of the prophecies told about the end of the world. Why it did, I am not sure. I don’t usually put much faith in prophecies. However, there is something I have heard for years about world changes, and the world ending in the year 2012. I will tell you what I have heard about it.

On August 16th and 17th 1987, a grand conjunction called the Harmonic Convergence occurs that consists of a number of planets in Leo that trines Jupiter in Aries, and also trines Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius. This event initiates a spiritual humanity factor and mother Earth, which restores Mother Earth’s’ identity and spiritual nature as we converge harmonically in a major unification of souls with purpose on this planet.

This Harmonic Conversion presented an opportunity for spiritual people to turn the earth from the disastrous course of abuse humanity had wrought upon it. Had our planet not been turned great polar changes would have devastated earth, and destroyed two-thirds of the people on it.

So millions of spiritual people all around the globe prayed and meditated for two days of the Harmonic Conversion resulting in the planet being turned from the changes it was headed toward.

However, this caused the planet to enter an upgrade cycle from a level three planet to a level five planet. We are in this cycle now.

In the spirit world are levels of spiritual growth or achievement, there are ten levels, with one being the lowest, and ten the highest. Growth is determined by the amount of love you have for yourself and others. Love is a force that holds everything together. The greater you love, the brighter, and larger your conscious energy becomes.

As soon as the Harmonic Convergence was over, and the course of the planet turned, earth was closed to all but level five and above incarnates. So you may have heard of the Indigo Children entering our planet. These children are level five and above, bringing with them greater awareness, love and compassion. The energy frequencies, of the planet, were also increased thereby lowering the threshold between the spiritual and physical worlds allowing more spiritual events to take place. These events like near death experiences, out of body experiences, visions, miracles, and other spiritual events are now becoming more common.

There is a separation taking place. The lines are becoming sharper between those that can return and those that can not. Individuals not reaching a level five spiritual growth during their lifetime here will not be allowed to reincarnate on our planet earth. They will be sent to other planets with lower levels, where they will have the opportunity to grow spiritually, the same opportunity they have now on planet earth. No one will be forgotten, harmed or discarded. All will have as long as they need to gain in spiritual growth.

This separation is not taking place between the believers and non-believers, nor the spiritual and the non-spiritual, neither does religion, nationality, intelligence, wealth, or fame have anything to do with the separation. There is only one criteria. That criteria is love, how much you love yourself and others. Those who love will be put ahead of those who don’t in the spiritual world. So it has always been.

The world changes are taking place now, and will be finished during the year 2012. What could have been a disaster will now be a victory. Our earth will be a kinder, gentler place in which to live after 2012, but be advised that a level five is only half-way to heaven on earth. There is still much work to be done. So don’t pass up any opportunity to commit a random act of kindness. To reach out to those less fortunate than yourself. Develop your ability to love by practicing kindness with everyone you meet. Use the spiritual tools of forgiveness, non-judgment, empathy, and compassion everyday until they become a habit. Whatever you give to others you will receive in return tenfold.

© 2009 – 2019, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Think of Serenity


The quality or state of being serene.

Serenity is the wisdom of knowing who you are, and understanding your place in the greater reality. Only by “seeing” the greater truths can you remain calm while everyone around you is losing their mind and blaming it on you. A spiritual friend explained to me that the ability to remain calm and serene in the middle of a battlefield is the mark of a truly spiritual person. Four U.S. Army chaplains–two Protestant, one Catholic, and one Jewish–were aboard the Army transport ship U.S.S. Dorchester when it was torpedoed and sunk in the North Atlantic, off the coast of Greenland, on February 3, 1943. The four gave away their own life-jackets so others might live. They stood on the deck while the ship sank. Serenity is a gift from God to His children. If you don’t own it, seek it today.

“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm.”


© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


Meditation, listening

Meditation is listening for God. It is a time to clear the mind, and still the emotions. A time to seek quiet, peaceful solitude. God does not speak from rolling thunder, but whispers to us when we are not distracted by worldly events and circumstances. Seek Him with a clear, still mind and body. Seek Him often.

© 2009, Lekatt. All rights reserved.


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