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Beings of Light

In a near death experience after the person has entered the Light, he may notice “Beings of Light” coming towards him. Some experiencers see only one Light Being while others may see large numbers of them. These Light Beings are individuals living in the spirit realms. The experiencer may recognize some of them as deceased loved ones or relatives. While others will be perceived as high spiritual Beings such as Jesus, Allah, Buddha, etc. Each near death experience is unique to the individual having the experience. No two are exactly alike, but all have similar characteristics.

There are several different levels of interaction between the experiencer and the Light Beings. The experiencer may meet his deceased relatives and loved ones with hugs, even his deceased pets may be present. There will be conversation, and some of the conversation may be verified upon the return to physical life by the experiencer. There are NDE accounts were a deceased relative revealed where he had hidden his Last Will, or a sum of money, or other valuables, and upon returning to physical life the experiencer was able to find these items where his deceased relative said they would be. Sometimes the experiencer will meet deceased relatives unknown to him, and upon returning able to verify they were indeed relatives previously unknown to him.

The experiencer’s interaction with the Light Beings perceived as some religious figure can be manyfold. The perceived religious Light Being may tell the experiencer he must go back to his body. That it is not time for him to enter the spirit world. That he still has much to do and learn before his physical life is over. Usually this starts an argument, the experiencer does not want to go back to his body, and continue physical life. But with a gentle nudge, or push the experiencer is forced back into his body.

The experiencer may be “shown around” the spiritual world. Here there are accounts of seeing “The Park”, and the “Crystal City” behind it, where museums, libraries, schools, and residences can be seen. This event may be most any type of scenery, but the Park, and the Crystal City are the most common.

Now the experiencer may go through a “Life Review” where his whole physical life passes before him in a critique. Here he can determine how well he lived the physical life, and what he learned from it.

Then some experiencers are shown the future of their physical lives, and the future the world will take on some events. A young girl may be shown her future children, and who she will marry. Upon returning the experiencer watches these events come to past. One experiencer said it’s like living your life twice.

The interactions with the preceived religious Light Beings can be anything and everything. Each experience is unique. I suggest the reading of near death experiences to better understand them. There are literally thousands of them posted on the Internet. I have over 300 hundred of them on my web site.

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