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I Whisper

I Whisper
by D. L. Jones
from the City of Souls

I whisper
In hopes a whisper will be heard
Where a shout will not

The cycle of life will win out, that much is certain
Questions can wait
Today, you need not prepare for what is to come

It is comforting to say, “There is time enough.”
This does not need to be considered, today.
This comes from our fear of the unknown.

One day, all to soon, the time will be upon us.
The question will be there.
This is unavoidable.

Alone, just a lonely soul due to pass.
Will you make that long walk through the valley alone?
Or will there be someone to welcome you and help you through.

You can see, feel, hear, and think with reason.
Yet you choose not to consider life,
until a later day.

Our lives seem stable
Today is much like yesterday
We could always be as we are today
We could go about our life
As if nothing changes.

We may choose to live as if our life were like a fly caught in a drop of amber
Forever preserved as it is, today.
If that is your choice, that will work.

That will work because it is your choice
It is your choice to make
Yours and yours, alone.

You may choose not to consider
Until your time is up
The question and the doubt will come
That we know, just, “Not today”

Not today, for tomorrow is a much better day
Just not today
Passing is frightening; it seems contrary to life, itself.

Even with friends and family we live our lives alone
We are alone and often lonely, isolated within ourselves
Our life is all we, truly, hold,
And fear the day we no longer may hold, even, that.

One day each week, or two
We gather to lift our spirits, and for inspiration
Still, in the next minute we find ourselves alone, again

The inspiration and the lifting of our spirits
Does not stay, it does not touch us.
It does not stay because it is not true to us

We feel no one knows who we are
We are alone, perhaps that is so because we don’t
Truly, know who we are.

Button up your coat and put on a brave face
Go one more day, for tomorrow is a much better day.
Just not today.

I whisper to you
A beginning may be a continuation
An ending may be a beginning
A life passing may, only be a change

It would seem to ask the question sooner rather than late
Would be wise
For if an answer comes there may be a little time to ask another
And another

Answers need time
Time to make it your answer
It must be your answer to count.

Could it be the darkness we fear?
is only an absence of light?
Could it be that an answer may help light our way?

For an answer to become our answer
For an answer to become an answer at all
The question must, first, be asked.

That is our Freedom, our freedom of choice
Bane or blessing
We must ask the question in order to get our answer.

Can you
Will you
Ask your question in time to get your answer?

Be wary for even if you find yourself brave enough to ask
There is no guarantee an answer will come.

For all will pass one day
That is the nature of life
The only difference seems to be
Do we pass in fear?
Or do we pass, joyfully in light of our answer?

We will meet
Or we will meet, again
It is a sad thing to contemplate how many will pass in abject fear
What should be a joyous transition.

I fear for you
I feel the fear in you
I love you

So, I whisper to you
Someone will be there for you
Someone will welcome you and help you on your way
Being alone will be no more for no one dies alone!

Find your answer
Ask your question
The knowledge is within you.

Find the light
To light your way beyond
Beyond the Veil of Innocence

I whisper for you

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